Silver Level
At 2:01, the announcer says Helmuth screwed up by not re-raising pre-flop?
Since AA can easily be beat by trips or straights or flushes, does he just mean that Phil should have have been happy with whatever preflop action he could have gotten from the first raise? And gotten one or both of them to both fold? Ie: It's too dangerous to go to the flop with 3 players when you have AA?
At 2:01, the announcer says Helmuth screwed up by not re-raising pre-flop?
Since AA can easily be beat by trips or straights or flushes, does he just mean that Phil should have have been happy with whatever preflop action he could have gotten from the first raise? And gotten one or both of them to both fold? Ie: It's too dangerous to go to the flop with 3 players when you have AA?