overall, don't trust in suited cards, no matter of what?In practice, suited hands generally have better equity and playability post-flop due to their potential to make flushes, which can be very profitable in deep-stacked situations. However, when playing with a short stack and facing an all-in decision, the difference between suited and offsuit hands becomes less significant, as raw hand strength matters more than playability. That said, if you are going to play suited hands, they are much stronger when they include an ace, as they allow you to make the nut flush.
Personally, I think many players overvalue suited hands, especially weak ones, which can lead to trouble when dominated by better flushes. While suited hands add some equity, they should not be the main reason for playing a hand—position, stack size, and opponent tendencies are often more important.
If you are saying that AKs > AK then you are correct but AK beats many of the other hands so there has to be a lot more thought in your decision. You have to consider position and your opponents to a large degree.suited connected hands > any unsuited cards
ATs+, KTs+,QTs+,JTs, > AK
yes I told about post flop playability. in cash tables yes you are correct, players and position matters. but in tourneys dynamics change for every table and blinds increase, they don't matter much. just wait for the right cards (if suited better) then boom !!!If you are saying that AKs > AK then you are correct but AK beats many of the other hands so there has to be a lot more thought in your decision. You have to consider position and your opponents to a large degree.
In your original post you didn’t say it was preflop or postflop. The ev charts preflop support what I stated (eg. AKs beats AK in the same positions, but AK beats ATs in the same positions). Postflop is a different story.yes I told about post flop playability. in cash tables yes you are correct, players and position matters. but in tourneys dynamics change for every table and blinds increase, they don't matter much. just wait for the right cards (if suited better) then boom !!!
If you check EV chart, suited hands have more EV. Simple.
Suited hands have more equity and playability. How much does that influence your decision to play or fold a hand?
Most poker decisions need to be relative to the situation and to ask such a general question makes it impossible to give anything but a very generalized response. hence 'it depends'Suited hands have more equity and playability. How much does that influence your decision to play or fold a hand?