Rock Star
Silver Level
Heavily inspired by Dan Pearce
Slowplaying your big hands
Slowplaying those bad aces
Making excuses when you lose your stack
Making Betsizing tells
Check-calling the river immediately
Weak-leading pots with marginal hands
Calling off of just ‘cause you’ve putting a lot of chips in the pot
Betting so big only better hands can call you
Overplaying AK
Playing suited connectors out of position
bluffing out of position
Assigning specific hands to other players
Getting over attached to top pair
Playing those garbage hands
Playing pretty looking garbage hands
Out-leveling yourself
Overplaying bottom two pairs
Rebuying when your image is poor
Lying to friends which hands you lost with
Batteling with better players
Slowplaying your big hands
Slowplaying those bad aces
Making excuses when you lose your stack
Making Betsizing tells
Check-calling the river immediately
Weak-leading pots with marginal hands
Calling off of just ‘cause you’ve putting a lot of chips in the pot
Betting so big only better hands can call you
Overplaying AK
Playing suited connectors out of position
bluffing out of position
Assigning specific hands to other players
Getting over attached to top pair
Playing those garbage hands
Playing pretty looking garbage hands
Out-leveling yourself
Overplaying bottom two pairs
Rebuying when your image is poor
Lying to friends which hands you lost with
Batteling with better players