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We've all heard the term: set-mining is flat-calling a pre-flop raise in the hopes of getting a set (three of a kind) on the flop. There is a lot to consider before making these calls if you want this to be a profitable play.
From the direct odds of making a set to implied odds, along with other factors such as your opponents' range, your position, and more - a successful player will take all these into consideration to (hopefully) make the best and most profitable play. That's why we put together this article: Poker Set-Mining Explained
We cover all the bases to help you make the best possible decision. Read through the article and let us know how you will apply these tactics to your game, or how you may already be putting them into practice! See what our ambassadors and experts have to say as well in the article!
Remember: there is difference between a "set" and "trips"! Both mean you have three of a kind, but you achieve the hand in different ways. So what's the difference? Read on for an explanation..
Set: When you hold a pocket pair and your three of a kind hits the board on either the flop, turn, or river. This is precisely the type of hand we are referring to in the article.
Trips: When you hold one of the cards that make up your three of a kind in your hole cards, with the other two cards coming out on the board. This type of hand does not apply to set-mining, which is the focus of this article.
From the direct odds of making a set to implied odds, along with other factors such as your opponents' range, your position, and more - a successful player will take all these into consideration to (hopefully) make the best and most profitable play. That's why we put together this article: Poker Set-Mining Explained
We cover all the bases to help you make the best possible decision. Read through the article and let us know how you will apply these tactics to your game, or how you may already be putting them into practice! See what our ambassadors and experts have to say as well in the article!
Remember: there is difference between a "set" and "trips"! Both mean you have three of a kind, but you achieve the hand in different ways. So what's the difference? Read on for an explanation..
Set: When you hold a pocket pair and your three of a kind hits the board on either the flop, turn, or river. This is precisely the type of hand we are referring to in the article.
Trips: When you hold one of the cards that make up your three of a kind in your hole cards, with the other two cards coming out on the board. This type of hand does not apply to set-mining, which is the focus of this article.