Wiser but Poorer it seems
I've tried planning my hand (as I think you've mentioned it in passing elsewhere) as well as putting everything I'm learning into practice, but I'm starting to struggle. For me, it seems like it never (well, rarely) works like it does in your videos.
Maybe it's because it's mostly
freerolls and ultra micro-stakes, but I can almost never isolate one or even two opponents when playing my premiums so end up facing like 4-6 opponents who all call the raise or one re-raises to allin and a couple follow so no chance of my AK, high pairs, suited broadways - anything - standing up against one or two opponents.
It seems like I follow all the guides, wait for the right cards in the right spots, play them the way I've been taught (or try to anyway, obviously I may make the odd mistake - I'm still a student after all, but I try to think it all through). Then I find myself facing half the field with a huge pot and I face the choice of either folding to save my place in the tourney and wait for a better opportunity, or calling and facing a rag flop and at least one of the other fish hitting it, more or less putting me out of the tourney or leaving me low on chips.
Another scenario that keeps happening is I try to keep in mind the advice you both give such the comment in this video "Often enough everything will go right" - well it doesn't! Not in the games I'm playing. In your videos they all play the right sort of raises, there's always only one or two in the hand - my tables rarely look like this - at least not unless I can survive until the very late stages.
I will have Top 2 pair, for example, and even if I am lucky enough to be up against one opponent, I know I should bet for value as the board is fairly dry; my opponent shows weakness all the way through. I think to myself "Collin says it's unlikely they will have xxx because..." then BAM, that's exactly what they have i.e. there is a 3 on the board and they have two three's to take down my AK or KQ 2 pr, or whatever. I had an A high flush yesterday, and although there was a pair of 6's on board, how likely was it that the one person who stayed in the hand preflop had that (I think they raised themselves allin and I covered them and they bet/raised everything anyway)? - but even if they did I beat their set! Or did I? Nope, they just happened to have a pocket pair of 6's for 4-of-a-kind!
Yes, I know this happens, but what I'm saying is, that since I've been trying to 'play properly' and according to the rules as best I can, I seem to be losing more. Is this normal? Am I thinking too much?
I watch hand after hand that I throw become winners that never were, so to speak (no wonder people call everything), then I see my A8o in EP and think, no! Too early, not good enough. And I throw it. Then when half the table have thrown all their chips in the middle the board comes something like 84AT8 !!???

Then I get my KQs in the CO and raise; then the Button reraises, SB 4Bets, BBgoes allin, an early limper calls and off we go, half the table have all their chips in - and sure enough, if I call there is nothing remotely like my hand on the board and if I fold sometimes there is and sometimes there isn't.
It's driving me crazy and I'm losing the
bankroll I had managed to build.
Sorry for the rant, but I really am wondering if it works with Freerolls and Ultra Micros - am I wasting my time there with things like position and bet-sizing? Should I be playing something else? Should I be thinking differently?
I like tournaments, but don't have an independent income so was trying to build the bankroll generically through the FRs and micros and don't have enough to play even things like $1 tournament (although occasionally I do play the odd $1 or $3 but not regularly) as I don't have the bankroll yet if variance suggest 300x buy-in. (I have less than $100, well even less than that now, probably around $60).
Overall, I suppose, I'm wondering if it's normal when you are learning these skills for your performance to take a dip or is it just a coincidence that normal downturn in variance happens to coincide with my improving knowledge (and hopefully skills)? Or is it different at these micro, micro levels?
Now here's where I'm feeling a bit low about it - I was regularly In The Money previously and building a decent bankroll. Now? Well, it's disappearing and overall my tournament standing is slipping big time.
Can you advise, please?