Lost in the twilight zone
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To call or not to call?
One of the toughest spots for me at the moment is when I am in the hand and someone on the flop jams their small stack in. Should I call or fold. For the record I folded this hand 1st to act. While QhTd is not a bad hand it is not that good 9 handed in this position and the table had been active with 3 bet jams. But for the question in this post we will pretend I am in the hand with these 2 cards.
HJ open limped with his 6BB stack and SB called 11.5 BB stack and BB checked their option with 4.5BB behind. We are late in a turbo event and just in the money. Blinds are 200/400 We will play the QhTd in the SB. With 1560 in the pot the flop comes 4c 5s 7d. The Sb checks and the BB instantly jams in 1896 bringing the pot to 3456 and Hj folds. We have no read on the BB by the way.
1) So what are your thoughts here?
2) So do we call or fold here.?
3) Would you call if the hand was QdTd?
4) Would you call Ace high with an over say AT?
Not that it matters but he ended up showing J4 off for 3rd pair.
Click here to find a list of all the threads in my Learning Poker Together Series: Learning Poker Together Series: Helping each other improve in playing poker
One of the toughest spots for me at the moment is when I am in the hand and someone on the flop jams their small stack in. Should I call or fold. For the record I folded this hand 1st to act. While QhTd is not a bad hand it is not that good 9 handed in this position and the table had been active with 3 bet jams. But for the question in this post we will pretend I am in the hand with these 2 cards.
HJ open limped with his 6BB stack and SB called 11.5 BB stack and BB checked their option with 4.5BB behind. We are late in a turbo event and just in the money. Blinds are 200/400 We will play the QhTd in the SB. With 1560 in the pot the flop comes 4c 5s 7d. The Sb checks and the BB instantly jams in 1896 bringing the pot to 3456 and Hj folds. We have no read on the BB by the way.
1) So what are your thoughts here?
2) So do we call or fold here.?
3) Would you call if the hand was QdTd?
4) Would you call Ace high with an over say AT?
Not that it matters but he ended up showing J4 off for 3rd pair.
Click here to find a list of all the threads in my Learning Poker Together Series: Learning Poker Together Series: Helping each other improve in playing poker
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