Learning Poker Together Part 4: Our Mindset & Mindset Coaching



Lost in the twilight zone
Community Guide
Feb 21, 2018
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This is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. We've all seen the post of people who have gone on tilt or ask what they do to stop tilt. We have all seen people lose it in live games as well or they go a little ballistic I start typing in the chat what they think. One of the things I've worked hard on is my mindset. While many people will not take it seriously in poker or don't feel it's as big of an issue that they need to take care of for me having a good mindset is a truly great thing for me personally in life and in poker.

So here are this post's questions:
  1. Do you have a good mindset when you play poker?
  2. If you don't, do you still play or do you take time away from the game until your mindset improves?
  3. Are you doing or have you ever done something to help your mindset?
  4. If yes have you ever used a mindset coach like Elliot Rowe?
  5. What do you believe is a good mindset?
  6. Is there anything you do when playing to change your mindset or keep you in a good mindset? What are some of the things you have done to get yourself back into a good mindset when you feel yourself start to tilt a little?
  7. What are your results when using any mindset techniques that you may have learned?

Click here to find a list of all the threads in my Learning Poker Together Series: Learning Poker Together Series: Helping each other improve in playing poker
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Lost in the twilight zone
Community Guide
Feb 21, 2018
Total posts
1) I tend to have a good mindset when I play poker as I have found when I don't I don't play as well. I tend to do things to make sure I am in a good mindset when playing. I tend to listen to meditation music to keep myself mellow. By doing this I found myself less likely to get upset when I lose a hand to a bad beat or whatever may happen. Strangely when I first started thinking about mindset and poker plan I was not sure it would be of any help what shocked me is how much better I became once I got myself into a better place and a good mindset when playing.

2) When I'm not in the right mindset or frame of mind to play I tend to just not play. This doesn't always happen for the most part I have found myself to be a losing player when I'm not in the mood or just not right frame of mind to play. If something happens when playing that changes my mindset I'll actually stop playing or at least not add anymore games to what I'm playing at that point and once the tournaments are done I call it a day…

3) absolutely have and still do all the time. Getting to have a good mindset is not necessarily hard but it is something you have to constantly work on.

4) I actually have used Elliot. Well I'm not crazy but I use going overboard paying a lot of money I have spent some money and utilized him. Well I was never crazy tilter after using a lot of the techniques and advice I was given I became even a more mellow person. I've always used meditation but I never thought of using meditation to help in my poker playing which is drastically helped. One of the more interesting points when I was taking one of his courses I found out something very important about myself, well I don't think I wanna share this with the world explain a lot of the type of person I am and how I became this way. Using this information is help me change or fix issues that I've had while also make me aware of those tendencies And it's made me a better person.

5) A good mindset is something you really can't easily explain about place of feelings or where you are. When you're in a bad mood you're more likely to tilt because you're already in a bad spot. A good mindset is where you can ignore the world and allow yourself to just play without letting things bother you. I have literally seen people type in rude stuff but when I'm in a good mindset I just don't even care I made laugh but it doesn't bother me. Also when a good mindset I really can concentrate on my game even more which is always a good thing.

6) When I feel my mindsets changing during the game I usually can do one of a few things too get myself back in line. Several weeks ago when I was in the tournament heads up I've gotten unbelievably ripped off and a hand for bad beat. The next hand came up and I just closed my eyes I let the timer run a little bit but I just did a quick meditation and let it all go and went back to playing. I could have stayed tilted and who knows what would have happened but by getting my mind back into the game quickly I was able to go on and win the tournament. Well today I usually play with meditation music on when I found myself getting tilted I would usually put it on this is what I would do in the past but like I say today just listen to it nonstop.

7) The results have had since making these changes have been huge not just in poker but in life in general. I find myself getting less annoyed at things or taking things personally and even when things go terribly wrong it's very rare that I start to lose control we're in the past I would have been angry and allowed it to affect me and my game or even in life. While I've always been a very mellow person I can honestly say I feel a lot more of a Zen personality in my life due to this. I'm not saying I'm perfect but I'm doing watch better than I was I would highly recommend anybody to work on their mindset.
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Jun 3, 2019
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1. Do you have a good mindset when you play poker?
I think mostly yes but still with room for improvement.
2. If you don't, do you still play or do you take time away from the game until your mindset improves?
If I feel serious tilt, typically after losing several games in a row, I end my session and take a short break. Could be until the next day or later the same day. More than this has not been needed for many years.
3. Are you doing or have you ever done something to help your mindset?
I always follow bankroll management. And then I try to remind myself, that in the long run I am up a lot. So it does not really matter, if I am down for the current session, day, week or month. I try to accept as much as possible, that variance is part of poker.
4. If yes have you ever used a mindset coach like Elliot Rowe?
5. What do you believe is a good mindset?
Not caring about the short term results, bad beats etc. Only caring about making good decisions.
6. Is there anything you do when playing to change your mindset or keep you in a good mindset? What are some of the things you have done to get yourself back into a good mindset when you feel yourself start to tilt a little?
Taking a deep breath. Thinking about something positive. And also slowing down. If I am beginning to feel a little tilted, this is not the time, where I need to play as many tables as possible. A slower pace allow my emotions to calm down. Its also related to point 2), since it could be a preparation to end my session. Sometimes though if I have been playing only 2 tables for a while, I feel calm enough to continue the session and fire up some more. For cash players the solution could be to close down all tables and then fire up some new ones after 10-20 minutes. The worst line of action is "trying to get unstuck" or "get back at someone".
7. What are your results when using any mindset techniques that you may have learned?
I definitely enjoy poker more, and it tends to limit the size of my downswings.


Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
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As far as mindset in poker goes - I very rarely tilt over losing or bad beats for more than a few minutes. I used to struggle the most when I knew I played a hand poorly - but even that has never been horrible.

I only play poker because I enjoy it. It becomes a lot less fun when I put pressure on myself - so I have learned not to do that most of the time. We all make mistakes - even the pros make mistakes. There is really nothing to be gained by working yourself up over it. Just treat it as a lesson in poker and move on.

If something does get in my head and I can't get it out - then I won't play again until I do. I have learned the value of taking a day off. If I don't think I can give it my best effort then I don't play. Sometimes that might be because something is on my mind - or it could be that I don't feel 100% physically.

But if my mindset isn't great - unless it is a cheap tournament and I would still rather spend my time playing poker than the alternative and don't mind if I lose because I am not 100% - then I don't play. That is a powerful tool to possess.


Jun 3, 2019
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If I don't think I can give it my best effort then I don't play. Sometimes that might be because something is on my mind - or it could be that I don't feel 100% physically.
A very obvious problem is simple fatique. There is nothing worse than registering for an online MTT, which will run for 6 hours, and then already after 1-2 hours you start to feel so tired, that you would rather do something else. So if for instance you did not sleep properly the previous night, its typically a good idea to either not play poker at all, or at least play games, where you can end your session early if needed, and where not to much money is at stake.


Forum Admin
Oct 13, 2006
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A very obvious problem is simple fatique. There is nothing worse than registering for an online MTT, which will run for 6 hours, and then already after 1-2 hours you start to feel so tired, that you would rather do something else. So if for instance you did not sleep properly the previous night, its typically a good idea to either not play poker at all, or at least play games, where you can end your session early if needed, and where not to much money is at stake.

Exactly. When I went to Vegas in June/July I had to skip multiple tournaments due to fatigue - and even decided to return home early.


Lost in the twilight zone
Community Guide
Feb 21, 2018
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Exactly. When I went to Vegas in June/July I had to skip multiple tournaments due to fatigue - and even decided to return home early.
I did the same thing a few years ago. was there for a week and barley played. Its truly a great abilty when we can see we are not up for it and dont play. +EV for sure.Debi.

As far as mindset in poker goes - I very rarely tilt over losing or bad beats for more than a few minutes. I used to struggle the most when I knew I played a hand poorly - but even that has never been horrible.

I only play poker because I enjoy it. It becomes a lot less fun when I put pressure on myself - so I have learned not to do that most of the time. We all make mistakes - even the pros make mistakes. There is really nothing to be gained by working yourself up over it. Just treat it as a lesson in poker and move on.

If something does get in my head and I can't get it out - then I won't play again until I do. I have learned the value of taking a day off. If I don't think I can give it my best effort then I don't play. Sometimes that might be because something is on my mind - or it could be that I don't feel 100% physically.

But if my mindset isn't great - unless it is a cheap tournament and I would still rather spend my time playing poker than the alternative and don't mind if I lose because I am not 100% - then I don't play. That is a powerful tool to possess.
Well said and I do the same. Heck, I could have said this as well. While we all want to win money and tournaments we did start playing this game for the fun of it. Many players really need to remember that part.


Platinum Level
Aug 11, 2016
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I believe that if we fall into it, we just need to change our activities, take a walk, talk, rest, do sports, that is, recover and then come back. if we are still in the game, then think that this is all dispersion and that now the probability of losing is less
Good luck!