Dorkus Malorkus
Silver Level
Welcome to the Learning Poker forum!
A brief summary of what should and should not be posted here, so that we can hopefully keep having to move threads around to a minimum.
What should be posted here:
What should not be posted here:
A brief summary of what should and should not be posted here, so that we can hopefully keep having to move threads around to a minimum.
What should be posted here:
- Any questions on basic poker concepts and/or rules. "What are pot odds?", "Why did my flush lose to a set in Omaha?" are good examples.
- Any other questions relating to getting into poker, for example, "What should I read as my first poker book?", etc.
- Topics with 'tips' and useful advice for beginners
- Freeroll strategy or play-money questions
- Basic bankroll management questions
- General strategy that doesn't fit into the Cash Games or Tournament sections
What should not be posted here:
- Anything that is prohibited by the rules.
- Anything involving a hand history, unless the question falls under any of the 'What should be posted here' guidelines. Use the Hand Analysis forums or Brags, Beats and Challenges as appropriate.
- Anything that isn't a real question or advice
- Any in-depth questions relating to poker concepts. Wondering what meta-game is might belong here, but wondering how best to apply meta-game scenarios to a specific situation belongs either in Cash Games or Tournament Poker.
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