How to Study Poker Effectively: Off-the-Felt Strategies



Jan 14, 2016
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The most successful poker players take time out of their game to study. But where do you begin? In this four part series we're going to breakdown the ins-and-outs of studying your poker game:

Part 1: Studying Off The Felt
Part 2: Studying On The Felt
Part 3: Poker Review Tools and Solvers
Part 4: Reviewing hands

Let's get started with Part 1: Studying Off the Felt

We have all heard that it is just as important to study the game of poker as it is to play the game, but many players - myself included - have struggled with HOW to study poker. Do you take courses? Do you review footage of poker players streaming their games? Do you review past hands? How long should you study for? All questions that have caused some players to become frustrated, and essentially abandon studying. However, by looking at a few key points, you should be able to get your poker study game on track and improve your results, simply by implementing a routine.

What should go into your routine?
The first key takeaway is that your poker playing should go hand in hand with your poker studying. Focusing on one and not both could cause the balance between the two to become skewed, so it's important to make time to play and study.

Many pros advocate for a 3:1 ratio when starting out - meaning for every hour of time you devote to poker, 45 mins should be playing and 15 mins should be for studying. This should not be taken as a hard and fast rule; you may find that you need to spend more time initially studying and going over things because you need longer to focus and absorb it all. You may be playing multiple tournaments at one time which take much longer to dissect and analyze. Regardless of how you allocate your time, you need to make sure some is set aside on a regular basis for studying.

What To Study
Great - you have dedicated time to review and study poker, but what do you focus on? It can be overwhelming with the amount of content out there these days but try and keep it simple. To start out, focus on the obvious - your play.
  • Was your last cash game session profitable?
  • Did you cash in your last tournament?
  • What hands went wrong?
  • What hand did you bust out on?
  • Was there a hand you had to suck out to win?
  • Was there a hand you felt you absolutely dominated?
Determine your Focus
It might seem obvious, but you need to pick one or two areas and focus your attention on that to get better. If you have a tool like PokerTracker4, what does it say your leaks are? If not, or if you don't have enough data in it, where are you losing the most money?
  • Three bet pots where you are in position?
  • Defending your small blind?
  • Raising too wide from UTG
  • Reading hands
  • Narrowing opponent's ranges down
You should also review any hands that you noted during your last session (something we'll talk about in part 2 of this series) and try and pick out where you think things went wrong for you. By being selective in your approach to look at trouble hands and one or two identified leaks, you'll start to notice your patterns and where you take the wrong path in hands. Make notes to avoid that when similar situations arise in future sessions.

Taking Courses
The other thing you can incorporate into your study routines are courses. The amount of poker content out in the universe is immense and there are many quality free products you can choose to go through - our 30 Day Poker Training Course being one example. However, you should do your due diligence beforehand if you decide to take on a poker course as well. Keep these principles in mind:
  • All courses are built differently and for different skill sets - be sure you choose one that suits your abilities and game variants best
  • Remember that these courses are not built for one individual - you may get a lot or a little out of them
  • Everyone will learn differently and you may need several courses to find the one that suits you best
  • Free courses do not mean less than premium content; likewise, courses you have to pay for does not mean high quality content
We are not going to try and persuade you to not invest in a poker course but if you do, carefully consider the amount you are investing for what you get in return:
  • Poker courses that are a one-time fee vs courses that are subscription based
  • What do you get for the course fee?
  • What add-ons are available?
Keep in mind that poker players that offer training material are using this as a way to make money - and being poker players, they are going to target the highest return on their investment as possible. Do your homework on the course before paying good money for it - what are the reviews? Do you know anyone who bought into this? What is their success rate with players, and how many players are behind it?

Poker Streaming
The next area of study that you can consider is watching other players play. The best poker streamers are the ones who interact with their audience, and explain the story as to what is happening in the hand to the audience as the hand develops. These can be ideal to learn from pros and pick up countless pointers which can help your game, but there are a few dos and don'ts with them:
  • DO - Participate in chat and ask questions. Be engaged with the player
  • DO - Take notes on the side. What are your leaks, and what does the pro do in those spots?
  • DO - Play along as the opponent. Try and anticipate what they are going to do and put them on a range of hands. Were you right?
  • DON'T - Assume what they do will work for you. They have a wealth of knowledge and their understanding of that situation is very specific.
  • DON'T - Watch passively - if you are using this as time to study, you need to be analyzing what is happening and not simply watching the action.
Poker streamers can offer great insight into the game and the strategy behind it - be sure you take that information and use it to the best of your ability - especially because most of this info is free to you!

Poker Coach - Do You Need One?
I feel like this can be a sensitive topic because it will all depend on who you ask if you should get a coach or not. What I would say is ultimately it depends on a few factors:
  • Are you playing the game recreationally or trying to go semi-pro or even pro?
  • What stakes are you playing and what stakes are you trying to get to
  • How much time do you have to devote to the game
  • What is your financial situation?
Poker coaches can provide you customized, one on one training that forces you to face your leaks, plug your gaps and raise the quality of your game BUT it's going to come at a very hefty price. The absolute cheapest coaches I have ever come across charge $50 USD / hour for their time (this was for a junior coach playing $2/$5). Keep in mind, these players tend to be regulars online or live and need to justify spending time with you versus playing poker to maximize their profits. So if they can't make enough off of you, they aren't going to coach you. You should expect to pay a lot more than $50 / hour and more than likely you'll be in the $100 / hour + range.

If your bankroll can't handle that much, and you aren't able to make that plus playing poker, a coach is not a good option. This can be one of the quickest ways to go bust to be honest. So - how much can you afford to spend? Think of it like your poker bankroll - what stakes are you properly bankrolled to play, and if you took out money for a coach on a regular basis, or, a poker course that we spoke of earlier, could you absorb that into your playing, and still be profitable. If you changed poker course or coach for tournament buy-in or cash game buy-in, does it align to your bankroll?

We hope this has been informative to you for establishing a poker study routine and getting your game accelerated to the next level! Next week we'll dive into how studying while playing is just as important as studying off the felt! Make sure to subscribe to our CardsChat Learning Poker Thread Series Index, and turn your notifications on.



Platinum Level
Feb 14, 2023
Total posts
Interesting post, thank you very much for your work and effort.
But as most posts on this series they are structured but too long in points of content and reading they are overwhelming.
Beak them in smaller parts if possible, to give readers not 5–10 takeaways, but only 3-5 takeaways.
So make them a bit smaller and break each individual post into 2 or 3 parts.


Jan 14, 2016
Total posts
Interesting post, thank you very much for your work and effort.
But as most posts on this series they are structured but too long in points of content and reading they are overwhelming.
Beak them in smaller parts if possible, to give readers not 5–10 takeaways, but only 3-5 takeaways.
So make them a bit smaller and break each individual post into 2 or 3 parts.
Thanks for your feedback first off - that's good to hear that we are getting some pointers to improve.

I'll be honest - when we put together the framework I always think that they are going to be shorter articles, but then the amount of content that ends up coming out, they turn into longer articles - sometimes it's not ideal but this is what I'll say - we'll focus on making these shorter for March and beyond - we've already gotten the next two for Feb written and the fourth will be different as we look at hands - but the topics going forward we'll try and do maybe 6-8 smaller articles and post mid-week and on the weekend.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 20, 2023
Total posts
Thanks for your feedback first off - that's good to hear that we are getting some pointers to improve.

I'll be honest - when we put together the framework I always think that they are going to be shorter articles, but then the amount of content that ends up coming out, they turn into longer articles - sometimes it's not ideal but this is what I'll say - we'll focus on making these shorter for March and beyond - we've already gotten the next two for Feb written and the fourth will be different as we look at hands - but the topics going forward we'll try and do maybe 6-8 smaller articles and post mid-week and on the weekend.

Different strokes, for different folks - length was fine for me and some useful, sensible advice, thx.


Jan 20, 2009
Total posts
A "leakfinder" is a great way to find holes in your game or ie what you should be studying. Several companies make them but they all operate pretty much the same.


Lost in the twilight zone
Community Guide
Feb 21, 2018
Total posts
Well writes Chris. I was not going to read this one as you know I take my game seriously but decided to check it out. All I can say it you did a assume job on this. I loved the fact you talked about focusing on just a few areas at a time. To many players attempt to learn all over the place and don't really master any part of the game.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Feb 20, 2025
Total posts
"Great post, thanks for the detailed insights! I really like the 3:1 study-to-play ratio you mentioned—it's a simple yet effective way to balance both. Focusing on one or two areas at a time, like reviewing specific hands or identifying leaks, is a great way to avoid getting overwhelmed by all the content out there. Also, poker streamers can be super helpful, but it’s important to stay engaged and ask questions to make the most out of it.

Looking forward to the next part of the series!"


Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2013
Total posts
Thanks for your feedback first off - that's good to hear that we are getting some pointers to improve.

I'll be honest - when we put together the framework I always think that they are going to be shorter articles, but then the amount of content that ends up coming out, they turn into longer articles - sometimes it's not ideal but this is what I'll say - we'll focus on making these shorter for March and beyond - we've already gotten the next two for Feb written and the fourth will be different as we look at hands - but the topics going forward we'll try and do maybe 6-8 smaller articles and post mid-week and on the weekend.
I respectfully disagree with the previous post.

I think there is so much to poker and this is a well written post and a good intro into learning poker. I think there is so much to poker and making it smaller than this may make it a bit disjointed. I have only just read this first one and not the future posts but poker is so complicated I just do not think you can do a series bite sized and this is not a post you need to gruel over but ideas on how to start learning so I think it is easily short enough already and very interested in reading the next ones.

I am not very good and studying but need to make an effort as tend to just lose money while winning sattys into some big tourneys and also placing well in some big ones too but not hitting enough final tables. Not sure if it is a mistake always playing massive fields as this also reduces the chances of final tables.


The art of purring
Jun 3, 2017
Total posts
Very good article, Chris! Thank you for your effort. I am looking forward to reading the next ones.
Unfortunately, I stopped studying for two years, and I feel I am not moving forward with my game at the moment.
I hope your articles will motivate me to take the time, which has recently become rare, to study again. :)


Platinum Level
Jun 5, 2019
Total posts
Study, hand analysis, poker materials and courses, coaches. We need to ask ourselves the right questions before we get down to business. All of them are described in the article.