SB is a very weak position. In poker there are several factors to analyse so every situation is different. But, in a general way, in SB when facing a raise you should very often fold and only play stronger hands (even when facing a limp from the BTN the better play sometimes is just fold), when folded to you thought and is a blind war (SB vs BB) you could put pressure on BB with a very wide range.
I'm saying the obvious here but is interesting to revisitate those fundamental factors;
SB is the first to act
SB always has to pay chips to see a flop (different from the BB, since a few times people limp)
And in SB your range despite being wide, can be predictable to your opponents.
You can use that to your advantage of course, and make a lot of money out of SB in those scenarios where you dominate the board hitting trips, up and down straights, and so on. But statistically your going to loose way more then you win in SB, so to avoid loosing more, you should play with a strong range in SB, and take the lead, squeezing, 3-betting, and so on...