Hand That Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest



Dec 31, 2019
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Have you noticed that whenever a player posts a hand example, and asks if the hand was played correctly, more often than not it is a hand the player lost with?

We could say that this is a good thing. Why not learn from your mistakes? But is learning what you're really after here?

Then how come we rarely see a similar question posted with a winning hand? Just because a hand was won does not mean it was played correctly. Analyzing victories is just as valuable as viewing losses.

Could it be that you are simply seeking validation from your peers to make yourself feel better? This would be a very human thing to do.
But bear in mind that the answers you get are only as good as your audience. This could lead to biased results.

If you haven't figured it out already this post is about tilt control.


But I'm not telling you to take a break, go for a walk, or breath deeply if you feel tilted.
Why not? Because those are treatments for the symptoms and not for the cause.

The important thing is to recognize why you are having this emotional response.

1) Are you being too hard on yourself, not just at a poker table but also in other areas of life?

Maintaining sharp focus in a tournament hour after hour is almost inhumane task. Poker takes its toll and blunders do happen.
Beating yourself up about it doesn't make you a better player but it can work as a negative reinforcement which can be damaging to your self-image.

2) If you tilt a lot can you pinpoint what triggers your reaction?
Is it just losing or do you get aggravated by comments on the table chat or the use of emojis or throwables? Many of those can be just turned off in the settings.

3) If losing triggers you how often does that happen? If you lose more than your fair share ask yourself why is that?
Are you able to see the aspects of your game that need work? If you know your weaknesses what have you done to improve yourself?
Improving oneself is hard and takes a ton of effort, and yes people learn in different ways. But if you say I study by watching streamers that is almost the same as trying to learn how to read simply by listening to someone read out loud. It's not good enough.

4) Understand that the only thing you can control is yourself.
You can't control the actions of others but you can control how you react to winning and losing.
If you have and continue to do everything you can to improve yourself you have no reason to tilt. Of course when you face failure you are allowed to get disappointed but that's different and it should just brush off.

Then you see tilting for what it really is...

It is just a childish tantrum and you are all grown up.
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Platinum Level
Mar 18, 2022
Total posts
It's simple here, in every tournament there are a lot of traps, whoever can get through them will reach the final table, whoever can't will scream "I'm tilting", it all depends on luck.
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