Silver Level
Here is a list of commonly used abbreviations and terms used in poker discussions and hand analysis threads. For a complete list of poker terms, abbreviations, and acronyms, please see our more extensive Poker Glossary.
Game Types
HE = Holdem
O = Usually Omaha Hi
O8 = Omaha Hi/Low
Stud = 7 card stud
Stud8 = 7 Card stud Hi/Low.
HORSE = Holdem, Omaha/8, Razz, Stud, Eight or better H/L stud. Typically fixed limit games. Game changes with the blinds/antes online, and at predetermined intervals live
FR = A full ring game, usually 9/10 players. (Some sites 8)
6MAX= A ring game, max number of players is 6. (Occasionally we will see 4MAX)
HU= Heads up. (2 players max)
S&G=Sit and go, once the game has reached a specified number of players the game starts.
STT= Single table Sit and Go.
MTT= Multi-Table Tournament, usually no limit on the amount of players.
NL$25 (or $25NL)= The $25 refering to the MAX buyin for the specified game. The blinds are defined as being 1/100th of the max buyin. So nl$600 has a big blind of $6.
NL = No Limit
PL = Pot Limit
FL = Fixed Limit
So if you see a thread starting PL08- It refers to pot limit Omaha hi/low hand.
Table position abbreviations
SB = Small Blind
BB = Big Blind
UTG = The first person to act pre-flop (first person after the BB)
UTG+1 = Person to the left of UTG
EP = Early Position
MP = Middle Position
LP = Late Position
CO = Cut off seat, the seat directly to the right of the button.
Button = Dealer (aka OTB = On the Button)
OOP = Out of position, generally meaning UTG, first to act on the flop, or calling a LP raise from EP, etc.
Betting Abbreviations.
Limp = Call the big blind (no raise)
Open Limp/Raise = Be the first non-folding player to act.
3-Bet = A re-raise.
4-Bet = A re-raise of a re-raise.
Light (ie 3-bet light) = Raising a hand you would'nt usually raise for value.
Steal = An attempt to steal the blinds/limps.
Player Types
LAG = Loose Aggressive Player
TAG = Tight Aggressive Player
LAP = Loose-Passive Player
Hand Identifiers
ATC = Any Two Cards
BDSD = Backdoor Straight Draw
BDFD = Backdoor Flush Draw
FD = Flush Draw
Gutshot = Inside Straight Draw
OESD = Open End Straight Draw
OESFD = Open Ended Straight Flush Draw
o / os = Off Suit
PP = Pocket Pair
SC = Suited Connectors, hands like 67 suited, 89suited, 34suited
s = Suited
TPTK = Top Pair Top Kicker
TPGK = Top Pair Good Kicker
TPBK = Top Pair Bad Kicker
WA = Way Ahead
WB = Way Behind
Poker Tracker Statistics
AF = Aggression Factor
BB/100 Hands = big bets won per 100 hands played
EV = expected value
HEM = http://www.holdemmanager.net/ A software program used by players to analyze things
HR = Hourly Rate
PFR% = Preflop Raise Percent
ROI = Return on Investment
VP$IP or VPIP = Voluntarily Put Money Into Pot
WR = Win Rate
W$SD = Won $ at Showdown
WSD = Went to Showdown
Tournament Info
ITM = in the money
Bubble = busting out of a tournament in the last spot before the payouts begin.
MTT = Multi Table Tournament
STT = Single Table Tournament
SNG = Sit and Go
AI = All in
B&M = Brick and Mortar (a live card room or casino)
CR = check-raise
HU = Heads Up
PF = Pre-flop.
PFR = Pre-flop raise/pre-flop raiser.
HH = Hand history
PSB = Pot-sized bet
PSR = Pot-Sized Raise
PT = Poker Tracker
FE = Fold equity - The chance of a bet/raise taking down the pot.
OP = Original Post
Less Common (yet all too true) Ones
WTF: I doubt that was a sound play.
OMG: I am rather surprised.
ESAD: Eat sh*t and die
NH = Thanks for donking all my chips
TY = Totally blind to the sarcasm of the above NH
OMFG = Did you really just call all in with 84os?
GG = "I beat you!"
GG = "I know."
LOL WOW = I wish I could stab people through my monitor.[/SIZE]
Game Types
HE = Holdem
O = Usually Omaha Hi
O8 = Omaha Hi/Low
Stud = 7 card stud
Stud8 = 7 Card stud Hi/Low.
HORSE = Holdem, Omaha/8, Razz, Stud, Eight or better H/L stud. Typically fixed limit games. Game changes with the blinds/antes online, and at predetermined intervals live
FR = A full ring game, usually 9/10 players. (Some sites 8)
6MAX= A ring game, max number of players is 6. (Occasionally we will see 4MAX)
HU= Heads up. (2 players max)
S&G=Sit and go, once the game has reached a specified number of players the game starts.
STT= Single table Sit and Go.
MTT= Multi-Table Tournament, usually no limit on the amount of players.
NL$25 (or $25NL)= The $25 refering to the MAX buyin for the specified game. The blinds are defined as being 1/100th of the max buyin. So nl$600 has a big blind of $6.
NL = No Limit
PL = Pot Limit
FL = Fixed Limit
So if you see a thread starting PL08- It refers to pot limit Omaha hi/low hand.
Table position abbreviations
SB = Small Blind
BB = Big Blind
UTG = The first person to act pre-flop (first person after the BB)
UTG+1 = Person to the left of UTG
EP = Early Position
MP = Middle Position
LP = Late Position
CO = Cut off seat, the seat directly to the right of the button.
Button = Dealer (aka OTB = On the Button)
OOP = Out of position, generally meaning UTG, first to act on the flop, or calling a LP raise from EP, etc.
Betting Abbreviations.
Limp = Call the big blind (no raise)
Open Limp/Raise = Be the first non-folding player to act.
3-Bet = A re-raise.
4-Bet = A re-raise of a re-raise.
Light (ie 3-bet light) = Raising a hand you would'nt usually raise for value.
Steal = An attempt to steal the blinds/limps.
Player Types
LAG = Loose Aggressive Player
TAG = Tight Aggressive Player
LAP = Loose-Passive Player
Hand Identifiers
ATC = Any Two Cards
BDSD = Backdoor Straight Draw
BDFD = Backdoor Flush Draw
FD = Flush Draw
Gutshot = Inside Straight Draw
OESD = Open End Straight Draw
OESFD = Open Ended Straight Flush Draw
o / os = Off Suit
PP = Pocket Pair
SC = Suited Connectors, hands like 67 suited, 89suited, 34suited
s = Suited
TPTK = Top Pair Top Kicker
TPGK = Top Pair Good Kicker
TPBK = Top Pair Bad Kicker
WA = Way Ahead
WB = Way Behind
Poker Tracker Statistics
AF = Aggression Factor
BB/100 Hands = big bets won per 100 hands played
EV = expected value
HEM = http://www.holdemmanager.net/ A software program used by players to analyze things
HR = Hourly Rate
PFR% = Preflop Raise Percent
ROI = Return on Investment
VP$IP or VPIP = Voluntarily Put Money Into Pot
WR = Win Rate
W$SD = Won $ at Showdown
WSD = Went to Showdown
Tournament Info
ITM = in the money
Bubble = busting out of a tournament in the last spot before the payouts begin.
MTT = Multi Table Tournament
STT = Single Table Tournament
SNG = Sit and Go
AI = All in
B&M = Brick and Mortar (a live card room or casino)
CR = check-raise
HU = Heads Up
PF = Pre-flop.
PFR = Pre-flop raise/pre-flop raiser.
HH = Hand history
PSB = Pot-sized bet
PSR = Pot-Sized Raise
PT = Poker Tracker
FE = Fold equity - The chance of a bet/raise taking down the pot.
OP = Original Post
Less Common (yet all too true) Ones
WTF: I doubt that was a sound play.
OMG: I am rather surprised.
ESAD: Eat sh*t and die
NH = Thanks for donking all my chips
TY = Totally blind to the sarcasm of the above NH
OMFG = Did you really just call all in with 84os?
GG = "I beat you!"
GG = "I know."
LOL WOW = I wish I could stab people through my monitor.[/SIZE]
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