You taking notes and following your opponents, being in a good position, it doesn't hurt to take risks, good luckWhat are your thoughts on balancing bluffs vs. value hands in multiway pots?
bluffing works best Heads-Up. In a multi-way pot bluffing is close to burning money.What are your thoughts on balancing bluffs vs. value hands in multiway pots?
When we're talking about multiway pots and balancing our bluffs vs. value hands, it depends on some variables, ie. size of blinds vs. effective stack sizes, player reads. Generally speaking we're aiming to balance our value vs. bluffs at ~ 2:1 For multiway pots I'm bluffing less often but again 'it depends'What are your thoughts on balancing bluffs vs. value hands in multiway pots?
Balancing bluffs is always a very good idea but only when we have Villains that understand the concept. Most V do not play multiway well enough for us to need to balance. So a better question for you right now is what hand combos do we bluff multiway? Vs 2 or more V on the flop seldom do we get everyone to fold as they have too much board coverage. We must use bluffs that can continue on turn. those bluff combos need to have backdoor strong equity ie AX Kx flush draws -weaker back door draws multiway have reverse implied odds.What are your thoughts on balancing bluffs vs. value hands in multiway pots?