Bluffing is a powerful tool in poker, but it must be used wisely. What signs do you look for to decide if a bluff will work?
For me, there are lots of things to consider because this is a pretty complex game. A couple of things I first look is my stack size. The bigger it is the more I can bluff. It’s easier to run a triple barrel with 100 BBs than it is with 15BBs.
I consider what position I am in. It’s easier to bluff from later positions than from early/mid positions.
How many players are in the pot? If I am heads up it’s easier to bluff than vs 2 or more players.
How is my table image has a lot to do with if I can successfully bluff. If I have been tight it will be easier to bluff than if I’ve been playing loose.
Then the bigger one for me is the table image of my opponent. His/her style of play is important. If they are calling everything no matter what sizing you choose then I’m never bluffing that person. Find a person that knows how to fold that’s your target.
Size up and make that bluff meaningful to them.
Good luck! Remember the bluff doesn’t have to work all the time to profit.