Silver Level
Are any of you guys sick of the constant barrage of beats? ATM I'm thinking of quitting online play. In the last two days alone I've lost huge(for me) cash game pots £400+ once when I had 99.3% equity on the flop and the other flopped top set on both occasions the opponent has inexplicably jammed the entire stack into the middle first hand I've got JJ on 22J board and he has AK runs out A on turn A on river.
The other I've got KK on K63 and the other guy has 94s he goes runner runner for flush. I know it's paranoia thinking this but why would someone rip there entire stack in 10-15 x pot these situations .
I've been thinking do the they know the outcome of the hand can they see my hand and know they can get my entire stack. Does anyone else ever have these thoughts ?or just me
Ps in-between this I lost a 3 way allin with AA v KK and JJ for £300+ Jacks flopped a set and held
The other I've got KK on K63 and the other guy has 94s he goes runner runner for flush. I know it's paranoia thinking this but why would someone rip there entire stack in 10-15 x pot these situations .
I've been thinking do the they know the outcome of the hand can they see my hand and know they can get my entire stack. Does anyone else ever have these thoughts ?or just me
Ps in-between this I lost a 3 way allin with AA v KK and JJ for £300+ Jacks flopped a set and held
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