Yeah. I have trouble with the question too. But, I will give it a try because the question appears sincere. So, my answer goes to a very general concept without reference to online or live poker...
Poker is about luck. Yes! But, not just luck. Just luck is just another perspective on poker, and I believe a simple case can be made to show poker is about more than just luck.
If poker is luck, is it good or bad? To some, there is "no luck at all," meaning they ran into bad luck. To others, there is "all the luck in the world," referring to good luck. Ideas about luck lead into those about people. It is people who play poker and believe in luck - in good or bad luck, in "no luck at all" and in "all the luck in the world." So, Poker is as much about people as luck.
Within a poker context, speaking of luck and people, you cannot have one without the other. Without people, there can be no luck since all its forms are human concepts. Without players who historically believed in luck and passed their beliefs onto others, there would be no luck. On a table, for example, where there are ten empty seats and a vacated dealer chair, and where all that exists is green felt and unused cards placed neatly between the chip tray and the shuffler, there can be no luck since there are no people to experience it.
That there can be no luck without people implies there can be luck with them. Some players do believe in luck because it is a poker concept. And, since there is always opposition to most concepts, it can safely be stated there are people who do not believe in luck in poker. So, as much as the concept has supporters, it also has detractors, and this is because, in poker, as in almost anything in life, people bring their own ideas into play.
That the notion of luck has supporters and detractors shows there is more than one perspective about poker. People do have different ideas. One, mentioned above, is poker is about luck; another, mentioned above too, is poker is as much about people and their ideas as luck. Perspectives are important because, if poker is merely about luck, then it is like a brainless lottery in which whoever gets the winning cards, wins; and, conversely, whoever gets the losing cards, loses. But, if people and their ideas are elements in poker, then the impact on the game is creativity, invention, and competition - not just luck. So, when people bring their ideas into poker, despite different perspectives, it becomes about how players with unique ways of thinking still manage to play a game common to the efforts of each to win.
Given this, it's fair to say poker is a game about which players have different views, including those who claim it is not about luck. Once people are integrated into the game as elements, as real as the element of luck, something happens. Having brought their own ideas into poker, players act accordingly. For example, to some, poker is not about luck. It is about expectations, outcomes and variances. It is about trusting their own experiences, knowledge, skills, strategies and decision-making abilities while assessing the values of hole cards in and of themselves, and as these later relate to cards dealt at the flop, turn and river. Others view poker, and variances especially, as solvable subsets of mathematics through the application of a wide array of probability theorems. The existence of the foregoing ideas, and other unmentioned concepts about poker, reduce the notion of the game as being about luck to just another perspective amongst many others.
So, is poker just luck? Yes. If you want to believe it to be!

But, I do believe a case can be made to show poker is about more than just luck. Just some particulars of such a case have been included in the writings above - there are a whole lot more not included.