Silver Level
Hey guys hows it goin
sorry i don't post here too often anymore...haven't been playin poker much and find myself with nothin to contribute
anyways i live in T.O. as you may or may not know
i've been searching for cardrooms or bars that host poker games but none do really
For fellow poker-addicted Torontonians as myself: i just found out that the "PM sports bar" in the galleria mall ( Dufferin + Dupont, southwest corner ) has a poker tourney every thursday
Yea i know, it seems sheisty bar but its just a bunch of old portugese farts there.
Don't know the time, buy-in, or if its just a freeroll type thing where they give out free rounds if you win, but its the only bar i know of that does this kinda thing. I'm gonna try to make next Thursdays game so anyone who lives round here please join
also if any other ppl who live in T.O know about any bars that do the same please post here!!
sorry i don't post here too often anymore...haven't been playin poker much and find myself with nothin to contribute
anyways i live in T.O. as you may or may not know
i've been searching for cardrooms or bars that host poker games but none do really
For fellow poker-addicted Torontonians as myself: i just found out that the "PM sports bar" in the galleria mall ( Dufferin + Dupont, southwest corner ) has a poker tourney every thursday
Yea i know, it seems sheisty bar but its just a bunch of old portugese farts there.
Don't know the time, buy-in, or if its just a freeroll type thing where they give out free rounds if you win, but its the only bar i know of that does this kinda thing. I'm gonna try to make next Thursdays game so anyone who lives round here please join
also if any other ppl who live in T.O know about any bars that do the same please post here!!