In the future, poker will become popular among many games and we will be happy about it more and more because there will be a lot of new poker players, the main thing is to wait and believe in it. I hope poker will be the most popular game in the world and will play professional games like other games and I will play for my country
It's really a game where you can socialize with several people from several countries, it's a game that keeps you always connected, yes, it's really a cool game.
Poker is often compared to Chess because it is a "Battle of Minds" always trying to out think and out smart your opponent. In Chess you only have one to worry about, With Poker you could have Hundreds to battle with.
Yes is cool because you gain a lots of tool's when you play it, like wait for the right time to act, to discover how other players play it, discover the weakness, and fear, lots of things.