Dorkus Malorkus
Silver Level
Welcome to the Poker General Forum!
This is a brief summary of what should and shouldn't be posted here, so that we can hopefully keep having to move threads around to a minimum. New and old members alike should take note of this - there is still a lot of threads being found that need to be moved.
What should be posted here:
Topics with general poker content that aren't covered by any of the other forums. This may include, but is not restricted to...
This is a brief summary of what should and shouldn't be posted here, so that we can hopefully keep having to move threads around to a minimum. New and old members alike should take note of this - there is still a lot of threads being found that need to be moved.
What should be posted here:
Topics with general poker content that aren't covered by any of the other forums. This may include, but is not restricted to...
- Poker queries not related to strategy issues (such as issues with rules, questions regarding poker literature, and so on).
- Topics regarding poker on TV.
- General poker narratives.
- Any other topic relating to poker, in general, that does not fall under the specifics of any of the other poker forums.
- Anything that is prohibited by the rules, such as spam.
- Any poker industry news (post breaking news, etc. in the Poker News forum)
- Any strategy posts or questions (post to the relevant Poker Strategy forum such as Cash Games, Tournament Poker, or Learning Poker - see those sections' descriptions before deciding where to post).
- Any questions regarding specific poker sites or live poker rooms/casinos (post to the Poker Rooms, Live Poker and Online Poker forums).
- Any posts about depositing or withdrawing funds on your poker account (post in the Poker Deposits & Withdrawals forum)
- Any posts about poker tools software (post in the Poker Software & Tools forum)
- Any hand histories for review (post to the Hand Analysis forums in either Cash Games or Tournament Poker).
- Bad beat stories, brags, or challenges (use the Poker Goals Challenges and Wins, Bad Beats and Vents forums).
- Anything with no poker content (use the relevant forum in the General Discussion section, which will usually be the Community Hangout)
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