Rock Star
Silver Level
As I didnt know a few abbreviations that people use on the chatboxes, I had a quick search around and "borrowed" this from another site on our network.
I think it might well be the definitive list of chat abbreviations:
;-) Wink
10x Thanks
2U2 To you too
? Please explain
?4U Question for you
AFK Away from keyboard
A/S/L Age, sex, location
A/S/L/P Age, sex, location, picture
AKA Also known as
ASAP As soon as possible
BAK Back at keyboard
BBL Be back later
BBS Be back soon
B4 Before
B4N Bye for now
BF Boyfriend
BLNT Better luck next time
BO Blackout
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way
CUL8R See you later
CYA See ya
CYAL8R See ya later aligator
DIY Do it yourself
EOD End of discussion
EG Evil grin
FAQ Frequently asked questions
FYI For your information
GF Girlfriend
GG Good going / Good game
GGA Good game all
GL Good luck
GL2U Good luck to you
GLA Good luck all
GLE1 Good luck everyone
GM Good morning
GN Good night
GP Good play
GR8 Great
GTG Got to go
GTSY Glad to see you
HF Have fun
HB Hurry back
IC I see
IGP I gotta pee
IMO In my opinion
IS I'm sorry
IRL In real life
JK Just kidding
L8R Later
L8RG8R Later gaiter
LMAO Laughing my ass off
LMBO Laughing my butt off
LOL Laughing out loud
MNC Mother nature calls
N1 Nice one
NH Nice hand
NP No problem
N2M Not too much
OMG Oh my God
OTFL On the floor laughing
PLZ Please
PM Private message
PMP Pee my pants
POOF I have left the chat
PP Pocket pair
PPL People
QT Cute
R Are
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
RAOFLMHO Rolling around on floor laughing my head off
SD Sweet dreams
SRY Sorry
STU Same to you
SYS See you soon
TC Take care
TX Thanx
TY Thank you
TYU2 Thank you & you too
TYVM Thank you very much
U You
UL Unluck
VNH Very nice hand
VUL Very unlucky
WB Welcome back
WTG Way to go!
YW You're welcome
YVW You're very welcome
*G* Giggle or grin
*K* Kiss
*S* Smile
*W* Wink
Y Why?
I think it might well be the definitive list of chat abbreviations:
;-) Wink
10x Thanks
2U2 To you too
? Please explain
?4U Question for you
AFK Away from keyboard
A/S/L Age, sex, location
A/S/L/P Age, sex, location, picture
AKA Also known as
ASAP As soon as possible
BAK Back at keyboard
BBL Be back later
BBS Be back soon
B4 Before
B4N Bye for now
BF Boyfriend
BLNT Better luck next time
BO Blackout
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way
CUL8R See you later
CYA See ya
CYAL8R See ya later aligator
DIY Do it yourself
EOD End of discussion
EG Evil grin
FAQ Frequently asked questions
FYI For your information
GF Girlfriend
GG Good going / Good game
GGA Good game all
GL Good luck
GL2U Good luck to you
GLA Good luck all
GLE1 Good luck everyone
GM Good morning
GN Good night
GP Good play
GR8 Great
GTG Got to go
GTSY Glad to see you
HF Have fun
HB Hurry back
IC I see
IGP I gotta pee
IMO In my opinion
IS I'm sorry
IRL In real life
JK Just kidding
L8R Later
L8RG8R Later gaiter
LMAO Laughing my ass off
LMBO Laughing my butt off
LOL Laughing out loud
MNC Mother nature calls
N1 Nice one
NH Nice hand
NP No problem
N2M Not too much
OMG Oh my God
OTFL On the floor laughing
PLZ Please
PM Private message
PMP Pee my pants
POOF I have left the chat
PP Pocket pair
PPL People
QT Cute
R Are
ROFL Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
RAOFLMHO Rolling around on floor laughing my head off
SD Sweet dreams
SRY Sorry
STU Same to you
SYS See you soon
TC Take care
TX Thanx
TY Thank you
TYU2 Thank you & you too
TYVM Thank you very much
U You
UL Unluck
VNH Very nice hand
VUL Very unlucky
WB Welcome back
WTG Way to go!
YW You're welcome
YVW You're very welcome
*G* Giggle or grin
*K* Kiss
*S* Smile
*W* Wink
Y Why?