Being a millionaire today is not very much money, Sure you could retire early and live quite comfortable off the interest, but why stop at a million? why not try for 10 Million, or even a Hundred Million.
Money becomes less impressive the more you have, and lifestyles change the richer you become, A bigger House or a better Car all come with added expense, So before too long a Million doesn't go that far.
Would I stop playing Poker if I won a Million? Certainly not! I don't play Poker to become rich, I play because I enjoy Playing, The money I can make from Poker means nothing to me, and if it was ever banned or made Illegal to play for money, that wouldn't stop me neither, I would still play for Points Jelly Beans or Peanuts,
It has never been about the Money, I play because I enjoy the challenge of being the best player in that game, being the top dog in every game I play is all that matters, sometimes I do it, other times I fail, but when I do fail I don't give up on the game, I don't give up when I win either, because there will always be another game.
Poker is Fun! When I stop having Fun! I will quit playing.