I lived for two years as a poker pro player in Mexico with other pros: Here's what I learned about life (and poker)



Silver Level
Jul 28, 2021
Total posts
Hi guys, 7 year poker pro and coach here:

1) Many poker pros live their "old dream" but suck at life.

The saddest part for me. SO many top poker players get everything they wanted at some previous stage in their life, but don't enjoy it. They play cards professionally, at the beach or in the city. They answer to nobody. No boss. Complete freedom. But still, for many, they can't stop punishing themselves, or wanting more, and don't enjoy life.

They're trapped in their old "dream" lifestyle...

And many get VERY good at poker as a consequence. That is what they're best at, what gives them what they think they should want, but is also clearly not allowing them to enjoy life. This is the sad part. As good as many top pros are, when you ask "what's it all for", there's often no answer ...

2) Being good at poker is not being good at life - but it can be.

Similar point. A slave to yourself is not living the dream ,nomatter what others think.

In my opinion, you do not CRUSH poker if you do not, wholeheartedly LOVE your life when you're doing it. Ability isn't relevant here. Contentment with how you live is.

I sit here, writing this in England, after moving back to play poker. When I get up, see the sun, dance in the evenings, and chill with firends around playing online poker in mexico as my job at a high level,
I can honestly say, i'm living the dream. Its great, and my poker ability to perform is at it's highest.

Now, the freezing cold and dark evenings do stop me from really crushing life alogside poker a bit, despite PROFITS being better than ever.

The beauty of poker IS it's ability to improve your life situation. That's it. You should always optimize this and from that, you will find ways to crush the tables way easier and quicker! The other way around just doesn't work that well
(crushing poker first to crush life later).

3) Meditation is everything. It's my gateway to being a real crusher.

If I don't mediate, thoughts take over. I'm not relaxed. I'm not calm. I'm not open. I tighten up. That is not who I want to be, nor does it produce the poker player that gets the most from playing.

Because, even though England is objectively worse than Mexico lifestyle wise, it doesn't mean either makes me truly happy or content. A healthy relationship with myself does that.

Personally, I don't envisage me every truly crushing poker without consistent mediation. It's funny how WAY higher performances come from a state of contentment.

That's enough for today. Heavy read I know.

I wish you all only love, and the best of luck to turn poker into your genuine dream lifestyle. Any help or advice I can give, please hmu.

glglglgl, love Dan xxx


Rock Star
Platinum Level
Apr 13, 2020
Total posts
Meditation and mindset: Couldn’t agree more. Mindset is the foundation of everything, especially in a game as mentally demanding as poker. I’ve dabbled in meditation, but your post is a reminder of how transformative it can be when practiced consistently. It's great to hear how it anchors you in both life and the game.
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