Silver Level
Just curious cause a few tourneys I have recently played in, I have played the hands the way they were supposed to be played but lost to a bad player winning on luck? I know telling a losing story is out of the question, yet to sit there and say nh when you played good or even great to lose to luck.
For instance I have King, Queen(S) and I raise 3X the big blind. Someone calls while the rest folds. To eventually lose to the person playing Q,4. They ended up with 2 pair of Queens and 4's. Then later raise the pot and go all-in with QQ's to lose to a early middle positon player with Ace,8 off suit that went all in on my raise? Is there something about position that these players don't understand??
Yesterday about the same thing happened. 3x the BB with KK's to have a early position player bet all-in on pocket 8's. Ended up losing to 3 of a kind.
I am not whining or crying about losing, Just wondering why don't some people do some studying or reading instead of jumping into the water head 1st?? Yet they expect you to say NH when you lose to luck?
My problem to learn now when playing these people.. read the board more and understand why they do this. Any suggestions and opinions are welcome cause one can never stop learning.
Alson need to Forgot the "Ego" in me and nead to learn not to be Married to the Pot Syndrom.
For instance I have King, Queen(S) and I raise 3X the big blind. Someone calls while the rest folds. To eventually lose to the person playing Q,4. They ended up with 2 pair of Queens and 4's. Then later raise the pot and go all-in with QQ's to lose to a early middle positon player with Ace,8 off suit that went all in on my raise? Is there something about position that these players don't understand??
Yesterday about the same thing happened. 3x the BB with KK's to have a early position player bet all-in on pocket 8's. Ended up losing to 3 of a kind.
I am not whining or crying about losing, Just wondering why don't some people do some studying or reading instead of jumping into the water head 1st?? Yet they expect you to say NH when you lose to luck?
My problem to learn now when playing these people.. read the board more and understand why they do this. Any suggestions and opinions are welcome cause one can never stop learning.
Alson need to Forgot the "Ego" in me and nead to learn not to be Married to the Pot Syndrom.