Rising Star
Bronze Level
In poker, table position is one of the most important factors in defining which hands to play and how to approach them. A well-adjusted range according to the position can maximize your gains and minimize losses. In this article, we'll explore how to modify your hand reach in different positions to improve your strategy.
1 . What is a Hand Band?
Hand range is the set of collected cards that a player can play in a given situation. This set varies depending on the position at the table, the opponents, and the dynamics of the game.Generally, the earlier for your position, the tighter your range should be, as there are more players to act after you. In the final positions, your lane may be looser (open), as there are fewer players to compete with.
2 Adjusting the range by position
UTG (Under The Gun) — Starting Positions
In this position (UTG, UTG+1, and UTG+2 at 9-player tables), you should play more conservatively, as there are still plenty of players to act after you.Recommended track:
- High pairs (AA, KK, QQ, JJ, TT)
- High cards of the same suit (AKs, AQs, AJs, KQs)
- Some strong offsuited hands (AKo, AQo)
MP (Intermediate Position)
In this position (MP1 and MP2), we can already increase the range a bit, as fewer players still have action after you.
Recommended track:
- All average pairs (88, 99)
- More broadways (AJs, ATs, KJs, QJs)
- Some specific hands for connectors (T9s, 98s)
- Some additional offsuited hands (AjO, kQo)
CO (Cut) — Aggressive Position
Cutoff (CO)'s position is one of the best, as we are close to the blinds and can exploit more passive players.
Recommended track:
- Small pairs (22+)
- More broadways (A9s+, Kts+, Qts+)
- Weaker suitable connectors (76s, 65s)
- Some medium offsuited hands (KJo, QJo)
BTN (Button) — Best Table Position
At Button, we have the biggest advantage, as we always act last in the post-flop. We can open a much wider range, especially if the stores are passive.
Recommended track:
- Anyone by
- Almost all broadways (A5s+, K8s+, Q9s+, J8s+)
- Many portable connectors and gappers (54s+, 86s+, T7s+)
- Lots of offsuit hands (A7o+, K9o+, QTo+, JTo)
SB (Small Blind) — The Most Difficult Position
In Small Blind, we must play in a balanced way, as we will play out of position against Big Blind and other players if they have a call or a re-raise.
Recommended track:
- For open raise: strong and medium hands (A8s+, KtS+, QtS+, 55+ pairs, suited strong connectors)
- To complete the blind (clear): marginal hands like suit gappers (43s, 75s)
- If the Big Blind is tight, we can open a wider range.
BB (Big Blind) — Strategic Defense
Big Blind has already invested chips and can defend more broadly, especially against button and cutoff raises.Defense Tips:
- Against small raises: defender with a wide range (Ax, broadways, suited Connectors)
- Against big lifts: defender with stronger hands only
- Against limpers: raise the stakes with strong hands to punish limp
Adjusting the reach of your hands according to position is critical to playing a lucrative game. The earlier the position, the tighter your reach should be. In the final positions, you can open the game wider, exploiting opponents and stealing blinds.Mastering this adaptation will help you avoid pitfalls and maximize your earnings over time. Good luck at the tables!