I play a lot of real poker\mainly tourneys,some rake games,but I do like freerolls and their are a lot of badbeats in both believe me!!Players just love to gamble against the
odds,or just have a gut feeling ,whatever..
Pro.player Roy Rounder and the inventer of the shark,had this to say about bad beat online-v-live.I like it and thought I'd share it.
There are two types of bad beats:
BAD BEAT #1...
When you catch a monster hand but lose to a BIGGER monster
For example, let's say you're holding pocket Aces and the flop hits A-6-6. That means you've got a full house.
Your opponent goes ALL-IN... and you call. You think your Aces are the best hand but they're NOT, because your opponent has pocket sixes, which gives him the four-of-a-kind.
BAD BEAT #2...
When YOU have the best hand and your opponent has the WORST
hand but your opponent GETS LUCKY and wins the pot.
For example, let's say you have pocket Aces and go all-in. Your opponent calls with pocket three's.
The flop hits 2-4-5 and the turn card is a 6, giving your opponent the STRAIGHT and causing you to lose the hand.
Now that's a bad beat.
And let's face it, the SECOND type of bad beat-- the one where your opponent gets totally LUCKY and outdraws you-- is the kind of beat that just plain SUCKS. And pisses you off.
In fact, the second type of bad beat is the kind you REMEMBER the most too. When someone says, "Hey man, how did your card game go?", the first thing that will come out of your mouth will be the story of that bad beat.
Am I right?
Now here's what's interesting...
online poker THAN IN "REGULAR" LIVE
Literally, you'll see more bad beats happen in an online
poker game than you'll see at a local cash game or in a casino.
If you play both online and offline poker, I'm sure you
agree with this statement.
So what's going on here? Why would it be this way?
There are two popular "theories"...
1. Online poker is rigged.
2. There are more
hands per hour, therefore it's an ILLUSION
that there are more bad beats.
My opinion is that BOTH of these theories are WRONG.
Here's why:
First off, I genuinely believe online poker is NOT rigged. I mean, c'mon... Do you REALLY think these multi-billion dollar
casinos would need to RIG hands?
They make their money from tournament entry fees and rakes... and trust me, they're making plenty.
OK, so what about the second theory?
Well, I do agree that there are more hands per hour in online poker than offline poker. There's no disputing that.
But I don't think that's a good enough reason...
Because my belief is that there are MORE bad beats that happen per X number of hands ONLINE than for offline poker.
For instance, let's say you played 100 hands. And let's say you caught two really bad beats for every 100 hands at a casino. That's 2%.
In online poker, you're likely to catch FIVE or even TEN of those really bad beats per 100 hands. That's 5-10%.
So the fact that you're seeing MORE hands doesn't explain the HIGHER PERCENTAGE of bad beats.
Still with me?
OK, so now let me give you MY "theory" about this.
It's not really a theory. Just good old simple logic,
Here it goes:
The reason there are more bad beats in ONLINE poker is
because the very NATURE of online poker leads people to PLAY
The CARDS and ODDS are the same.
It's the PLAYERS that aren't the same.
What I mean is that for online poker, a LARGE portion of players adopt the style of LOOSE-AGGRESSIVE.
Translation? Manic.
They act irrationally... play hands they shouldn't play... and bet way too aggressively for most given situations.
Because online poker isn't as "real".
The money isn't as real. I mean, heck... the casinos give you so much "free" money when you sign up, how COULD it feel real?
The cards aren't real. The chips aren't real. The table isn't real. NONE OF THAT STUFF EVEN EXISTS.
All you see when you play online poker are some silly little animations. And you hear some "clickity-click" sounds of fake chips.
That's it.
Nothing else.
And if you LOSE a game, all you have to do is make three or four mouse clicks and you're INSTANTLY playing another game.
And hell, you can PLAY ten games at once if you want!
You can literally play poker against 100 players AT THE SAME TIME!
It's a different world, my friend.Now... let's get back to the bad beats.
The FACT that players are LOOSE-AGGRESSIVE is what leads to
the SITUATIONS where bad beats happen.
Here's why:
1. Players bet their draws more or call large bets with
draws or OK hands (i.e. bottom pair).
2. More players are involved in every pot.
3. The pots are bigger, since players are more aggressive.
When these conditions COMBINE TOGETHER, it creates an
environment where there are a lot of BIG POTS and bad beats.
It's not that the cards are "rigged".
It's that the betting patterns and playing styles are DIFFERENT than what you're used to.
And when you combine that with the fact that you see more
hands per hour, it inevitably leads to seeing a lot more
"crazy" hands and bad beats than in regular poker.
OK, so now the obvious question becomes...Is there any way to PREVENT bad beats?
The answer is yes and no.
Ultimately, bad beats will occur NO MATTER WHAT if you're playing good poker. Because to win at poker, you've got to be willing to take RISKS.
And most risks have a minimum 20% chance or more of NOT working out in your favor.
With that being said, there ARE ways to prevent a LARGE PORTION of the bad beats you'll see online.
Not only can you prevent them, but you can literally turn it around and make it YOUR ULTIMATE ADVANTAGE.
The key is to "tilt the tables" in your favor and USE the fact that players are so loose and aggressive to HELP YOU
win more pots.
The way you achieve this is by adopting a SPECIAL playing style designed SPECIFICALLY for online poker...
My name for this "secret sauce" is this:
The concept of "tight-aggressive squared" is quite simple...
It starts with the logic that tight-aggressive is the most
effective playing style to use in poker.
Tight-aggressive means TIGHT with hand selection, AGGRESSIVE
with betting.
With online poker, there are more players in every hand.
That means you must play EVEN TIGHTER with your hand
You should ONLY play monster hands!
There's absolutely no reason to get involved with "decent"
hands because the odds are against you.
You're bound to run into players who are CHASING or who just
caught an extremely lucky flop.
When you DO get involved with a hand, you must be OVERLY
aggressive. The pot size will be bigger, so you can't lose
many hands or else you'll be out of the game in a hurry.
You must STRIKE... and you must STRIKE HARD.
You must risk ALL OF YOUR CHIPS-- frequently-- in order to
Of course, it's much easier to risk all of your chips when
you have a GREAT HAND than it is otherwise.
You see, the goal is to do two things:
1. Force out all but one, maybe two players for any pot you
get involved with.
2. Have the odds so unbelievably stacked in your favor that
you win far more HUGE pots than you lose.
And when you win lots of big pots, you become chip leader
VERY QUICKLY. And that's how you take control over a poker
The reason you want to force people OUT of the hand is
simple mathematics.
Let's say for instance you get pocket ACES.
Here's what three of your opponents are holding:
Player 1: K-K
Player 2: 10-9 suited
Player 3: Q-10 offsuit
Now, if you went heads-up against any of these hands
ONE-ON-ONE, your odds of winning would be about 80%. They'd
be 85% against Player 3.
If you went up against ALL THREE of these opponents in one
single hand, your odds of winning is just 58.5%!
That's just over 50/50 with the absolute BEST starting hand
Get my point?
their was more to this letter but I just wanted to share what he had to say about BADBEATS,and I'd like to share some thing with players that are wondering if this just might be true,
Ok-I was in prison for child support,wich I pay today,But when I was in their,they took all money that was sent to me,and state pay,except for $10.00 a month,that not cover enough for smokes,not to mention soap,toothpast,coffee,stamps ect..so I housed a poker table,for a little over three years their. 8+hours a day, I raked 5% on the hand.and was able to play and suck in,some really nice pots also.and pass my time.
When cash was low,I would run credit,and tax 10% per hand,during this time of credit,I noticed players played much different,just like we see Online,and the badbeat,and and bad calls-ALL THE TIME!!NUTTIN DIFFERENT,except you watch what you said,or subject to pay for poppin of at the mouth!! lol
This game was good to me,it was a learning experince!!and I played some dirt here and their,meaning I looked out for my players,if dude was low man<in real you can see a player turn RED when in danger of being broke.. If player was plus on paper,chasin,and I felt low man could claim hand,if I was in ,I'd raise some,might of been wrong,but it worked out great,I didnt have to pay winner as much,and low man not owe as much,and I'd cut breaks,kinda like a reload bounes as we know of,and I still made what I needed..
reson being:without them I was hit!! we were a group, played every day,pretty much a LOCKED TABLE OF POKER JUNKIES
so when I got out,I bought this computer,and had a Bro. download an e-mail and load my first
poker site on it and here in am today!!I haven't seen anything different really,cause credit was played by most, like a freeroll, they just tighten up the closer it got to pay day,thought I'd share that with ya,most people will never get the chance to play credit poker 8+ hours a day,for two to three day to see this..but this was real poker!.