Betting Patterns



Silver Level
May 20, 2005
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You read in articles all the time that to pick up players' tells, pay attention to how they place their chips. While this is true some of the time, you should laos pay attention to what they are betting.

For example, Player A always bets $300 when he/she has a pair or Player A bets at least $500 when he/she is bluffing.

I recently found out that the way I bet gives away what I have because I bet usually the same amount during certain situations. So if you want to improve your game, bet different amounts and check, bet minimum, or call on situations where you would usually raise just to mix it up (this is usually applied to post flop betting and you're holding a good hand). Not all the time, sometimes you HAVE to raise to push people out of the pot when there is a sraight or flush draw.​


Rock Star
Silver Level
Aug 28, 2005
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Yes, I just found that out also about myself. Good advice I think changing it up a little, but I find if my initial bet is the same amount no matter what I got it makes it harder for them to know. My betting pattern may change as the turn comes down or river of course.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Dec 4, 2005
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One of the worst things a poker player can do is become predictable. When i'm in a live game i like to do things like bet odd amouts. for example (22, 38, 57) by betting odd amounts like this its easy keep people from putting you on a hand and makes you very unpredictable.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 12, 2005
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agree somewhat. i also believe that if your are consisting with your betting you cannot get a read on what someone has by the bet. what i mean is if you always bet half the pot or raise 3x bb no matter what you have then its hard to say what you have by the bet because all your bets are the same. Also gives you leverage to make a big bet later that someone would see as a bluff and you could have the Nuts ;)



Rock Star
Silver Level
Aug 28, 2005
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Both ways seem good to me. Keep'em guessing. I would never show my cards though no matter what. Don't want to give them an inch.


Silver Level
May 16, 2005
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This kind of play his a lot of advantages but also some severe disadvantages. To be a succesful player you will need to adapt to different styles at different times and have a different strategy to use.

For instance, at a passive table, a 4 or 5 x BB raise with a premium hand is unlikely to get any callers. However, on a aggressive table this kind of raise is likely to get 4 or 5 callers, seriously devaluing your hand

Also A LOT of thought has to be given to your position at the table. In an early position, a small raise here with an ok hand is likely to get either A) several callers or B) a reraise

So many aspects of when to raise have to be taken into consideration and the only way you will learn is by actually getting out there and playing


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 4, 2005
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There is an easy way to overcome this.

Give yourself percentages of what bet would be best in a certain situation. Do this out of a game.

So for example, if you have AA under the gun, middle of a multi table tourny. Lets say your on a stack of 20,000 and its an average table. A few fish, some tight players, and the chip leader who's aggressive on about 50k. If blinds are 500/1000 you could adopt a style of saying "In this situation, 80% of times I would raise 4 times the big blind, 15% of times I would raise 8 times the big blind, and 5% of times I would check raise (used if it is a more aggressive table etc, but looks fishy and obvious).

Anyway, thats a specific example, but then when your at the table, look at the percentages you have in your mind. Try and remember how you've played before, and play to the percentages. That way you're playing sensible and a little more unpredictable than those who don't.

I learnt this from Dan Harrington and it worked perfectly. In edinburgh the other day I got AK in late position 2 rounds in a row. The first time I raised 4 times big blind, the second I raised 8. I got more action the second time.

Hope this helps.

t1riel said:
You read in articles all the time that to pick up players' tells, pay attention to how they place their chips. While this is true some of the time, you should laos pay attention to what they are betting.

For example, Player A always bets $300 when he/she has a pair or Player A bets at least $500 when he/she is bluffing.

I recently found out that the way I bet gives away what I have because I bet usually the same amount during certain situations. So if you want to improve your game, bet different amounts and check, bet minimum, or call on situations where you would usually raise just to mix it up (this is usually applied to post flop betting and you're holding a good hand). Not all the time, sometimes you HAVE to raise to push people out of the pot when there is a sraight or flush draw.​
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