bad mouth pro's



Rising Star
Silver Level
Dec 8, 2005
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I just wanted to know some of your thoughts on the number of pro's that consistantly use loud mouth tactics to win , even racist remarks which i just heard recently.I know it spoils my game fun y's anyway .I wont mention names cause i know one personaly,but do u think it takes away from the game.and do u find it worse online than live. thx 4 the replys


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 6, 2006
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Funny Cheaters

Big mouth antics sucks, but what I really hate are the cheaters that think its "funny" to do so. :mad:


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 10, 2005
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on some sites you can block chat anyway


Silver Level
Oct 7, 2005
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It depends. Bad mouth tactics are often a sign that someone is steaming, so you can pay attention to it in so far as seeing whether they then start playing badly. Also, if someone else looks like they're annoyed by it. I couldn't care less what some backwater hick wants to post in the chat box, but if it means they or someone else is then on tilt, I'll look out for the opportunities it may present.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 19, 2006
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I really don't think this has any place at the table. I don't mind occasional banter that occurs between players; there are times that I'll engage in that. But when you start talking about racist remarks and things of the like, then it's going too far.

I had an unfortunate incident with one of these players yesterday. It all began after i lost a hand to another player due to their better kicker. I said "vnh, that seems to be my luck lately" The person I was talking to had no issue with it; they were able to deduct that I was dealing with a bad run of cards. Another person at the table decides to berate me assuming I said the person was lucky. I can honestly say, I never said anything insulting to this person but he eventually worked himself up to insulting my mother, hoping she dies of cancer, etc. It was an obvious attempt to try to put me on tilt. I could see right through it and didn't allow it to happen.

As to the personal side....I have a 2 grandparents that DID die of cancer (infact one in the last month) and my father currently has it as well. So while some idiot is spouting nonsense so he can try to win a few buck (we were at a $1 sng table), he is really saying some hurtful things to me personally. So if you're one of these players who engages in this, think about this little post before you start up again. You never know who you're talking to and their life situations.


Silver Level
Mar 14, 2005
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I think it is more prevelant online because of the anonymity factor of the internet. And I have to agree it has no place at the table when it goes beyond just regular banter.

It's kind of funny that you would post this after I had seen some awful behavior the last day or so on JetSet.

It was early to mid stage of a tournament and I told someone nh and they told me to Go F myself. Another women at the table told him nh also and told her the same thing. I'm not sure what his problem was, he had the best hand going in, won the hand and had already a nice chip stack before the hand. When he gave the other woman the same response the banter ensued. More like a battle. She was short stacked and he preceded to berate her that she would be out soon. She basically just grinned and beared it and I just made a comment that we would just turn him off in out chat. I never did, but after that he just shut up. She was out after a few more hands and then I was moved.

Another situation, different tournament. A women that I have played over at O h/l cash tables(and is a little wild anyways, (maybe she drinks too much?) was at my table as well as a few other women. The woman I have played with before made a comment to another lady about playing the last hand the way she did. OMG it just ensued to the worst name calling fest I have ever seen in online or even live poker..................anywhere from trailer trash to the C word. Biatch was mentioned, skank etc.................. I tried to be the diplomat and ask them very politely to calm down. Oh that was the wrong thing to say, I was told to shut up so I just blocked all three of theirs chat so I didn't have to see it. Once in awhile I would uncheck it so I could see if it was still going on and it was. This battle of the words lasted for atleast 15mins or more, infact it continued until the first woman that made the hand comment to the other was out of the tournament. Then it calmed down and then I was moved.

I am not sure why people go so balistic like this but I have seen an organization online somewhere that is against abusive language at the tables. I'm not sure what they do but I think next time I cross it I am going to atleast check it out.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 8, 2006
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I couldn't agree more!

cdsmith69 said:
I just wanted to know some of your thoughts on the number of pro's that consistantly use loud mouth tactics to win , even racist remarks which i just heard recently.I know it spoils my game fun y's anyway .I wont mention names cause i know one personaly,but do u think it takes away from the game.and do u find it worse online than live. thx 4 the replys
Jerk amateurs are one thing...but why would someone who makes their living at the game be acting like a fool?

Speaking of mouthy pros, I was watching a tournament yesterday (I think it was the US Championship, but not sure) and Matusow had a jack with a board of J-2-2. Not sure how all the betting went, but he called bets all the way with a final board of J-2-2-2-T. Well, his opponent did indead have the 2 and the table went nuts. Even before the two was shown, another player sitting next to Matusow exclaimed, "OMG, man, he's got the two! He's got the two!". Several players gave Matusow a hard time about making these calls. Matusow wouldn't even make eye contact as he was finally getting back what he frequently dishes out.

"I think I'm probably the most well-liked person on the tour, I think most people love me, I mean I have a lot of fun with people. I needle them, but I needle them in a nice way." - Mike "The Mouth" Matusow


Rising Star
Silver Level
Dec 8, 2005
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i saw that one yesterday too i thought it was the wpt championship but im probably wrong.speaking of rude players again it was another nice batch of comments i got after i made my original post, in a 25 dollar freezeouyut i had QJ off in the bb and a guy raised to 300 which was only dbl the bb so i called the flop came QJ6 SO I CHECKED,he bet 500 and of course i slowly called.the turn was 3 both checked, river was a J and i called his allin of course i won, but all i got was fn jerk,fn this fn that.
and all because he slow played his rockets.ridiculous ,and all the site do is warn ppl.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 19, 2006
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I see you play at party poker....I used to play there...people on that site seem to think pocket rockets are unbeatable and berate ANY hand that beat them. Don't let it worry you lol! You played the hand great!!
cdsmith69 said:
i saw that one yesterday too i thought it was the wpt championship but im probably wrong.speaking of rude players again it was another nice batch of comments i got after i made my original post, in a 25 dollar freezeouyut i had QJ off in the bb and a guy raised to 300 which was only dbl the bb so i called the flop came QJ6 SO I CHECKED,he bet 500 and of course i slowly called.the turn was 3 both checked, river was a J and i called his allin of course i won, but all i got was fn jerk,fn this fn that.
and all because he slow played his rockets.ridiculous ,and all the site do is warn ppl.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 8, 2006
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Hmmmm, will they ever catch on?

cdsmith69 said:
i saw that one yesterday too i thought it was the wpt championship but im probably wrong.speaking of rude players again it was another nice batch of comments i got after i made my original post, in a 25 dollar freezeouyut i had QJ off in the bb and a guy raised to 300 which was only dbl the bb so i called the flop came QJ6 SO I CHECKED,he bet 500 and of course i slowly called.the turn was 3 both checked, river was a J and i called his allin of course i won, but all i got was fn jerk,fn this fn that.
and all because he slow played his rockets.ridiculous ,and all the site do is warn ppl.
Yes, I think you are right. Pretty sure now that it was the WPT Championship.

Nice call w/ the QJ....of course you see the flop for cheap and hope to hit it well...and you did. His PF raise sucked and then he was beat from the flop on. Just another "I have to disguise my AA" play getting beat.


Silver Level
Jan 14, 2006
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I am against this type of behaviour 100%. I cant really say much for these type of people and what makes them the way they are, but I believe that you can report these players and have them suspended or banned from the site. If I am correct the site will review the chat box on the table you were on and they can judge for themselves how bad the banter was and if it is necessary to kick them off the site.


Silver Level
Jun 17, 2005
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I have always wanted to try acting like that to see how or if it works. Not to the point that some are doing in this thread, but enough to set people on tilt. Havent got aound to it I guess, maybe because I dont need to in order to make money . Someday Ill devote a session to saying thinks like "what a donkey", "terrible play, what were you thinking", and "great call dude". I have to try everything once......... :)


Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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I had K5o in the big blind, and everyone in the hand just called, no raises. So I saw the flop for free.

Flop comes K52 rainbow, and I bet the pot, villian goes all in and I called, he lost his stack to me after going all in with a KJ. Afterwards he stayed at the table and berated me for sucking at poker etc etc. 15 minutes later he was still calling me names.

Only thing I said was that it's funny that it's always the bad players that win, isn't it.

I think that people should get temporary suspensions from online sites for any sort of foul abusive language.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 26, 2006
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alright alright now if your being racistor insulting family (sorry to hear medieros) your a complete idiot. Now if your like me talking as much as possible at a table to try throw people off or distract them whatever I see no harm in that. Trying to get under the peoples skin is a strategy, its just like playing certain hands, your giving yourself the best chance to win. Whatever can giver you a bettter chance that is legal should be put in your game. Look at Phil Helmuth and Mike Mattasau (my two favorite players) its worked for them is should work for us. If your a loud person don't be quiet at a poker table talk it up, trust me it works.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 15, 2005
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I actually received a warning at Stars when one of the those idiots started going nuts at a table I was on and trashing everyone, racist jokes, names, he was really bad. After a couple of minutes, I typed "Why the hell don't you shut he F*ck up" Someone else from the table reported this guy and they reviewed the transcript. I got my chat suspended for 1-day with a warning that I was on probation and they would be monitoring my chat. I'm pretty good with comebacks and put downs after years of playing sports and hanging with the boys so I have fun shutting most of them up and they end up on tilt.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Oct 15, 2005
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I think most if not all of these online "brats" are different in real games because they know any of that behavior either turns everyone else against them, or a pop in the mouth! Turning off their chat is the closest we can come. It's tough to do, but the best reaction is none, let them spew their venom, they'll eventually tire of it


Silver Level
Feb 10, 2006
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lol - I love the players who berate myself or others for plays which were actually good plays. I am quite quick witted and have a flare for sarcasm, so I try to keep pushing these guys until they completely lose it and I then take their money. I never start anything, but I sure can finish it. lol

My favourites include "I can't believe you called my all-in with Q-J."

My usual response is "well when playing a donkey who has gone all-in for the past 6 hands and you ended up have 3-8 os, who made the worse play?? You just keep going all-in and I will take all of your money"

Then they start the real trash talk, which I respond to them somethign along the lines of going back to their mom's basement to play with their Star Wards 'action figures'. It's amazing how mad these guys can get and the horrible hands they will play when they tilt!

As for pros doing this, I was watching a heads up tourney and some young punk (can't remember his name) was trash talking Doyle Brunson. Come on kid, show a little respect. Trash talking the Godfather is the equivilent of calling your own gransdmother a whore.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 15, 2005
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I believe that was Sean 'Shiek' Shiekhan. I HATE that guy, way too cocky and who in their right mind talks trash to Doyle?


Can I help you?
May 18, 2005
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dinosdynasty said:
I believe that was Sean 'Shiek' Shiekhan. I HATE that guy, way too cocky and who in their right mind talks trash to Doyle?
OMG! Yes. I can NOT stand that guy. What a punk! It's because of that I actually like Mike Matasow now. :p


Silver Level
May 31, 2006
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Amateurs on the net that badmouth are a joke... just trying to put someone on tilt and they usually go overboard *thinking* they have you on tilt and trying to push you all-in. Then you have the advantage on them and they just shut up.

Pros that use their mouth to pay the bills, on the other hand, I love it. A few certain over-the-top pros get annoying, but most provide very entertaining banter.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 8, 2006
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Who you talkin' to fool!?!

tranqxility said:
Amateurs on the net that badmouth are a joke... just trying to put someone on tilt and they usually go overboard *thinking* they have you on tilt and trying to push you all-in.
Very good point! I have seen this a lot. The fools watch "The Mouth" in a tournament and think they can put everyone on tilt with trash talk at the table....then they make a stupid move (usually a big bluff) and lose a big chunk of change.

I saw this in a MTT last night when a big stack was bullying everyone at the table with uber-aggressive play and trashtalking after folks would fold. Finally he decided to reraise his bottom pair on the flop and had one caller (top stack at table). He pushed allin on the turn and was called by a middle pair! Bye bye! OMG, I laughed so hard. And he was only 30 players from being in the money.


Silver Level
Feb 10, 2006
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dinosdynasty said:
I believe that was Sean 'Shiek' Shiekhan. I HATE that guy, way too cocky and who in their right mind talks trash to Doyle?

Yup, that was the guy. I watched him the next match after he beat Doyle and he was up against Daniel Negreanu. He started the trash talk right away and Daniel talked right back, usually being able to shut Sheikhan up a couple times. It was a beauty. Negreanu got hung up on what he thought was being bluffed on a pot where Negreanu had a small straight but a flush draw was up. They both actually had the straight witha 4 in their hands, but Sheik showed the K after Daniel folded. Negreanu never recovered and it ate him up all match, leading to his eventual loss. It was good to see a trash talker get trash talked though!


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 19, 2006
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It's ironic that Shawn Sheikan is being brought up today after something that happened at one of my sng tables. There was a showdown between two players (I wasn't in the pot) when a player out of the pot says in chat "damn, I had Q9 in my hand" To make the situation clearer, the board was 3 6 Q 9 9 when he says this. I politely said you really shouldn't talk about the hand you layed down until AFTER the hand is complete. you're providing valuable information to one or both of the remaining players. Ironically, both players in the pot thanked me for saying that and the culprit said nothing.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 8, 2006
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Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

I made the same mistake when I first started playing poker online. I was very new to the game and made the comment that, "I wish I hadn't folded" when the flop was something like T-T-9 (guess what I folded).

Another player quickly informed me that my comment was inappropriate while the hand was being played. I then realized why this was wrong and apologized. :eek: OMG, I was such a noob.

We have to remember that there are new, ignorant players who simply need to be politely informed of the rules of the game.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jan 7, 2006
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table manners are as important at the card table as the are at the dinner table...i pride myself on great ettiquete.....i have suffered brutal beats just to turn around and say GG.. Gluck.....on occasion i ask players "what would make you call my raise with that"...just to have them tell me im a sore loser and i suck ...and i never even made a single statemtn to berate anyone....i do have to say i like mike the mouth.....sometimes his antics are alittle extreme the raymer mouth remarks about little balls and such ....but these things work on and for some players.....with millions on the line its hard tellin what some players will say