FoolI played Rummy and had to pay out as many cards as I had left in my hand
I used to play blackjack a few years ago. But I wasn't very good at it, so I stopped this waste in timeI played Rummy and had to pay out as many cards as I had left in my hand
I have been playing card games since childhood. I was playing cards before I started school. I played cards for money already at school, sometimes even during lessons. All the games I played, probably about 10 different card games I played for money. The names of the card games are different, I think there is no point in naming them because in each region the same game can have a completely different name.I played Rummy and had to pay out as many cards as I had left in my hand
cribbage and eukerI played Rummy and had to pay out as many cards as I had left in my hand