There have been some threads on this topic. AI is not just the future but already in motion.
I by and large don’t share your fear. No
poker site would exploit the players with AI capabilities. If there were the culprit site would soon file for bankrupcy. And
gambling is a billion dollar industry.
Furthermore AI would not be able to make high-level plays, let alone make sentimal - I think you mean
emotional - damage to you. This is but absurd.
Rest assured that the pokerrooms are already in the process of both protecting the players and develope AI to the benefit of the game and the players.
Ever since The Industrial Revolution pessemists have doomed the machines to take control. Same was said about the internet.
As we know this has not happened. Quite the opposite. The internet made
online poker possible.
AI will - since The White Hats have more ressources than The Black Hats - be an even deeper and integral part of the internet.
Let us not forget that governments in at least The Western World have the economic power and the visions to control and progress AI for the greater good. Red China will try to destabilise the West, but I’m pretty sure that Silicon Valley have the upper hand on the communists regarding AI.
Some Black Hats will spend jailtime while private entreprises like
poker sites will make poker even more fascinating. To gain more players, a more intuitive UI and of course to make more money.
As you know there is no Dark Blue in poker. And to believe AI could make a Poker Blue is underrating the human brain and creativity.
In due time CC will offer new IA inspired feautures and possibilities for the commonwealth of members. For this I’d take a substantial wager.