(I should emphasize that this is not my hand, I was just observing last night...
A friend and I are debating the hand: I think MP set a trap on BTN, but due to his poor position, the trap didn't fully click...
My friend said MP plays based on GTO...)
So, if you wish, can share your opinion about this hand:
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MP's move is perfect.
Even having a possible flush on the river for MP is a call.
BN's play is also good. Although you can't see what hand you have, it can be assumed that you have AJ, A10, a failed straight draw with a KJ or K10, or also some pair like KK JJ 1010 that generally check on the river because they have showdown value.
Nothing to object, when BN calls the turn either because MP continues to pay him it is very likely that he had the hands that he named you, being in position it is a very normal cash play, you bet 2 streets flop and turn and give the hand finished on the river either because you have showdown value or because you discard your hand because the draw did not come on the river.
In general, turning that hand into a bluff on the river is very difficult 'because when the one who is out of position in this case MP is calling you 2 streets, it is likely that on the river he will not fold his hand, more than anything because of himself. payment on the turn.
Assuming that MP had a scale draw or a flush draw, when BN bet on the turn to 3/4 pot, in that situation most of the time MP folds. But if he called on the turn, on the river being BN you already have to analyze that MP of that hand is not going to fold, as I told you at the beginning, nor that BN would have turned his hand into a bluff due to the supposed flush that came out on the river.
A flopped cash set is usually a hand that ends all-in.
MP caught it, although in general in that hand it is also a reraise with a set on the flop, especially with a set of 444 because it is a low set, and also because having that flop with AQ where you can assume that your opponent also has AK AQ AJ and you know that he won't fold that hand no matter how much you reraise, in MP I would have reraised and gone for my opponent's box. Because also, you go from being attacked to being attacked, which is very important.
My humble opinion about the hand. Greetings colleague