Silver Level
Control. It is simply amazing to me that of all the articles I read by all of the self-proclaimed pros, None seem to mention what I have come to believe is the single most important part of playing winning poker. As long as you and you alone have control of the game, you will win.
Some years past, while at Boulder Station, located in Las Vegas on Boulder Highway, I bumped into a very good friend of mine. Goes by Paul "KING OF THE CAP" Z. Anyways I am in the poker room getting a cup of coffee and here he is playing 4/8 omaha high. So I ask him what he is doing out here and not at the Horseshoe which is his favorite spot? His answer was to me most interesting.
He tells me he just borrows $200.00, and what chance do I think it has if he plays at the shoe? The answer was pretty obvious. Very little. Like the shoe has some of the best games in town. (well it did then.) That was the problem. I tell you the chips go in so fast, if you pick up a big wrap and don't get there, well, there goes the dough. But he tells me this other game, look at it he tells me, everyone is well over 60. They all have piles of chips in front of them, and not one raises before the flop. Only Paul. None of them checked/raised. only Paul. Absolute total control. At the Shoe there was CHAOS. At the Station there was control.
Anyways guess who gets all the cash. He does. Why, he controled the game. Anyways I am not saying seniors can't play, But at 10:00 pm something has to give. If you want to play all hours of the night, don't get old.
Until I can think of something else to write,
P.S. jetsetpoker I think has a pretty cool site. If you haven't checked it out yet give it a shot and let me know what you think. Yes they have freerolls. But there is a trick to registering for them. You have to keep your mouse arrow on the register and wait for the register light to come on. Then click. You better be fast. They have some very quick ones there. I am outta here.
Some years past, while at Boulder Station, located in Las Vegas on Boulder Highway, I bumped into a very good friend of mine. Goes by Paul "KING OF THE CAP" Z. Anyways I am in the poker room getting a cup of coffee and here he is playing 4/8 omaha high. So I ask him what he is doing out here and not at the Horseshoe which is his favorite spot? His answer was to me most interesting.
He tells me he just borrows $200.00, and what chance do I think it has if he plays at the shoe? The answer was pretty obvious. Very little. Like the shoe has some of the best games in town. (well it did then.) That was the problem. I tell you the chips go in so fast, if you pick up a big wrap and don't get there, well, there goes the dough. But he tells me this other game, look at it he tells me, everyone is well over 60. They all have piles of chips in front of them, and not one raises before the flop. Only Paul. None of them checked/raised. only Paul. Absolute total control. At the Shoe there was CHAOS. At the Station there was control.
Anyways guess who gets all the cash. He does. Why, he controled the game. Anyways I am not saying seniors can't play, But at 10:00 pm something has to give. If you want to play all hours of the night, don't get old.
Until I can think of something else to write,
P.S. jetsetpoker I think has a pretty cool site. If you haven't checked it out yet give it a shot and let me know what you think. Yes they have freerolls. But there is a trick to registering for them. You have to keep your mouse arrow on the register and wait for the register light to come on. Then click. You better be fast. They have some very quick ones there. I am outta here.