Advanced beginner
Silver Level
This thought occurs to me, more often when it's someone elses turn to bet than when it's my turn to bet. Often this happens when I've folded.
I look at the flop and the number of people still in, I find myself thinking to someone, you should bet.
Obviously, I don't know what they have, but just given the situation, I'm thinking they should bet. I think some of the situations are:
- That person raised preflop, I'm expecting a continuation bet
- There are 3 hands in, the first two didn't bet on the flop. Especially when the flop is scary; 2 or 3 of a suit, or a pair in the flop. I'm thinking, no one else showed they have anything, represent that you have something and you might win the pot right there. If they check-raise, fold.
First off, am I wrong in this thinking?
And second, are there other situations like this, maybe on the river especially, where one should be betting, almost regardless of what you hold?
I look at the flop and the number of people still in, I find myself thinking to someone, you should bet.
Obviously, I don't know what they have, but just given the situation, I'm thinking they should bet. I think some of the situations are:
- That person raised preflop, I'm expecting a continuation bet
- There are 3 hands in, the first two didn't bet on the flop. Especially when the flop is scary; 2 or 3 of a suit, or a pair in the flop. I'm thinking, no one else showed they have anything, represent that you have something and you might win the pot right there. If they check-raise, fold.
First off, am I wrong in this thinking?
And second, are there other situations like this, maybe on the river especially, where one should be betting, almost regardless of what you hold?