Silver Level
What is a tight aggressive player???
I tried playing a tourny recently. I decided only to play premium hands. An hour and a half later I was blinded out - In that time I got AK twice, put in a 5 times bb raise and missed a flop. I was last to act but on both occassions the guys before me raised the pot size. I got delt 99 on the button, raised 4 times bb, got called. Missed flop (again) SB went all in - he had me covered.(flop Q, 8, 3) I folded.
Ended up having to put all my chips in with Q10s UTG - I only had 5 times bb left. Got 2 callers, beaten by KJ.
A hand I would normally play, A6s in middle position, I folded (TAG?) I would have flopped nuts with two of the guys going all in with same 2 pair!!!
So, the question, how do TAG players ever win???
Any ideas guys???
What is a tight aggressive player???
I tried playing a tourny recently. I decided only to play premium hands. An hour and a half later I was blinded out - In that time I got AK twice, put in a 5 times bb raise and missed a flop. I was last to act but on both occassions the guys before me raised the pot size. I got delt 99 on the button, raised 4 times bb, got called. Missed flop (again) SB went all in - he had me covered.(flop Q, 8, 3) I folded.
Ended up having to put all my chips in with Q10s UTG - I only had 5 times bb left. Got 2 callers, beaten by KJ.
A hand I would normally play, A6s in middle position, I folded (TAG?) I would have flopped nuts with two of the guys going all in with same 2 pair!!!
So, the question, how do TAG players ever win???
Any ideas guys???