NL25 6max BB 3bet range



Silver Level
Sep 10, 2018
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3 bb ranger

yeah my 3 betting re raise range is a bit small but sometimes ill make occasional moves tho


Silver Level
Jul 11, 2018
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do you play same range vs EP as vs SB? the answer is no. So you can't just prepare one range and play it same vs all positions. By creating your 3bet range you have to also answer yourself what hands will you call. So generally you have to prepare ranges for 3bet/CC vs EP, 3bet/CC vs MP, 3bet/CC vs CO, 3bet/CC vs BU, 3bet/CC vs SB. Ranges will be different for all positions. Also you have to consider what hands will you defend vs 4bet.
Also I would eliminate some hands from your "basic" 3bet range like low pocket pairs and QJo, maybe KJo. Your calling range will be pretty weak if you would 3bet most of the time those hands. That's a main problem. Plus you don't have many bluff hands in your range. For example vs SB you can add many trash hands like 83s, 73s and 3bet them when there are good factors to do it.
By playing your range I'm pretty sure you will be crashed on nl25.
Read more, watch some videos about ranges and you will know what I'm talking about.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 20, 2016
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do you play same range vs EP as vs SB? the answer is no. So you can't just prepare one range and play it same vs all positions. By creating your 3bet range you have to also answer yourself what hands will you call. So generally you have to prepare ranges for 3bet/CC vs EP, 3bet/CC vs MP, 3bet/CC vs CO, 3bet/CC vs BU, 3bet/CC vs SB. Ranges will be different for all positions. Also you have to consider what hands will you defend vs 4bet.
Also I would eliminate some hands from your "basic" 3bet range like low pocket pairs and QJo, maybe KJo. Your calling range will be pretty weak if you would 3bet most of the time those hands. That's a main problem. Plus you don't have many bluff hands in your range. For example vs SB you can add many trash hands like 83s, 73s and 3bet them when there are good factors to do it.
By playing your range I'm pretty sure you will be crashed on nl25.
Read more, watch some videos about ranges and you will know what I'm talking about.

Yes, fair points. I meant against the BTN pretty much. I just wrote it up quickly before work. I mean to exclude some off suit Broadway's, pretty much the ones you suggested and add in some JTs, T9s, 89s. I dont think I'll be polarising my OOP range to be honest with air. I think the blind 3bets are called more frequently nowdays, so I need to have some flexibility.

My MP and LP range can have fluff for stealing.

I actually didn't intend to 3bet UTGs from BB. But on second thought I might start doing it a bit, if he is tight enough. I might steal the pot on mid-low flops.


Platinum Level
Jan 13, 2019
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that's one of the strategies. You just call your entire range, including aces, kings.

I don't know if this is asking too much but would you be able to expand on what some lines would look like post flop? Would that mean that you need to donk bet more or you could be missing out on a street of betting with the top pocket pairs and other strong starting hands? I'm no where near 25NL so I don't really know how the games go on that level. I'm just asking because I really find that play interesting but I don't think I understand the game well enough to grasp the long term benefit of it.


Silver Level
Jul 11, 2018
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I don't know if this is asking too much but would you be able to expand on what some lines would look like post flop? Would that mean that you need to donk bet more or you could be missing out on a street of betting with the top pocket pairs and other strong starting hands? I'm no where near 25NL so I don't really know how the games go on that level. I'm just asking because I really find that play interesting but I don't think I understand the game well enough to grasp the long term benefit of it.

No. You just play your standard game by check/calling or check/raising. What would be sense to donkbet aces if you called it preflop? No sense at all. You call aces preflop to protect your all range which you call. If you would start donkbetting then you would just kill sense of your preflop action. You call aces preflop to have some strong hand in your check/call range because EP range is tight so he will barrel you very often. And many times you won't be able to get to a showdown with your hands if Ep will show his strenght. That's why you choose aces to have a hand which is able to stand 3barrels action.

Plus as you know if someone 3bets from BB vs Ep you expect some strong range from BB. So by 3betting aces sometimes you won't earn enough like you would by calling it preflop. Because everyone expects that you have there very strong range like aces, kings.

Anyway on micro just 3bet aces and kings. There is no sense to play it by calling. More value in 3betting.
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Rock Star
Silver Level
Mar 20, 2016
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This is my revised range for Blind defends vs BTN that steals over 40%