Need help for a PLO5 hand played!!



Silver Level
Jun 14, 2024
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Hi fellows,
I need some suggestion / remarks about this hand played by me, i lost the hand but i am ok with it while other punters on table said i played wrong.
Game 5/10 PLO5 Live.

My position SB
Effective stack 3,410$
Table 7 max

Utg calls
Utg+1 raises to 35$
Rest all fold
C/o calls
BTN makes it 120$

Me, i re raise to 410$
(I am holding K(h) K(d) A(d) Q(h) 9(c)

Everyone folds,
C/o calls, BTN calls

A(h) 10(d) 3(h)

I check
C/o checks
Btn bets 1000$
I shove all-in
C/o folds, btn thinks like 3 mins & calls.

Turn 10(c)
River 6(h)

I hit the nut flush, while what he shows!!
3(c) 3(d) 7(h) j(h) Q(s)
So, he won the hand with a full house.

Most of the players said after the hand that i should have flat called his 1,000.
My question is, was my decision to shove all-in was correct or no.

Thanks in advance for your precious time & valuable reviews.


Aug 15, 2017
Total posts
Hi fellows,
I need some suggestion / remarks about this hand played by me, i lost the hand but i am ok with it while other punters on table said i played wrong.
Game 5/10 PLO5 Live.

My position SB
Effective stack 3,410$
Table 7 max

Utg calls
Utg+1 raises to 35$
Rest all fold
C/o calls
BTN makes it 120$

Me, i re raise to 410$
(I am holding K(h) K(d) A(d) Q(h) 9(c)

Everyone folds,
C/o calls, BTN calls

A(h) 10(d) 3(h)

I check
C/o checks
Btn bets 1000$
I shove all-in
C/o folds, btn thinks like 3 mins & calls.

Turn 10(c)
River 6(h)

I hit the nut flush, while what he shows!!
3(c) 3(d) 7(h) j(h) Q(s)
So, he won the hand with a full house.

Most of the players said after the hand that i should have flat called his 1,000.
My question is, was my decision to shove all-in was correct or no.

Thanks in advance for your precious time & valuable reviews.
It's 5-card (five!) omaha.....generally if a player is betting then they have the winning hand.

The only player that should be raising on the flop is the one with two pair or better with nutty backdoor draws.

You don't mention villains' stack sizes - did you actually have fold equity?

Why did you shove? For value with your top pair and nut flush draw? Motivate players to pay you with their inferior flush draws? Or, were you actually pretending to have a top set and try to motivate your opponent to fold his...what? Get him to fold an inferior flush draw? I don't think anybody's folding two pair or better on the flop.

The villain tanked because he was trying to find a fold with his bottom set to your pocket AA or TT. (You were supposed to have AA or TT here because of your preflop raise - lol). Other than sets and big 2-pairs the flop was sort of dry. If you didn't have AA or TT - then you were on a flush draw probably with gutshot straight draw(s).

You motivate the c/o to fold. He probably was folding to the button's $1k bet anyways. But - wouldn't it be nice if he thought he was priced-in if you just called? You need the cutoff's money in the pot in case you hit your nut flush - especially if it's the nuts on the board.

I mean when I look at this hand - you shoved with one pair - your hand was not made against two opponents who could easily have been made because they each have 5-cards in their pockets.

I think your shove told your villain that you did not have a made hand and that meant he had you beat on the flop.

That's my three cents!
Last edited:


Sep 14, 2022
Total posts
I just wonder what you thought he was betting there....,

you've got top pair and nut flush draw looks like,

not sure I see any reason to go nuts there....,

would be better to put this in a replayer to read

the hand easier but gonna have to go with the punters👍


Silver Level
Jun 14, 2024
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It's 5-card (five!) omaha.....generally if a player is betting then they have the winning hand.

The only player that should be raising on the flop is the one with two pair or better with nutty backdoor draws.

You don't mention villains' stack sizes - did you actually have fold equity?

Why did you shove? For value with your top pair and nut flush draw? Motivate players to pay you with their inferior flush draws? Or, were you actually pretending to have a top set and try to motivate your opponent to fold his...what? Get him to fold an inferior flush draw? I don't think anybody's folding two pair or better on the flop.

The villain tanked because he was trying to find a fold with his bottom set to your pocket AA or TT. (You were supposed to have AA or TT here because of your preflop raise - lol). Other than sets and big 2-pairs the flop was sort of dry. If you didn't have AA or TT - then you were on a flush draw probably with gutshot straight draw(s).

You motivate the c/o to fold. He probably was folding to the button's $1k bet anyways. But - wouldn't it be nice if he thought he was priced-in if you just called? You need the cutoff's money in the pot in case you hit your nut flush - especially if it's the nuts on the board.

I mean when I look at this hand - you shoved with one pair - your hand was not made against two opponents who could easily have been made because they each have 5-cards in their pockets.

I think your shove told your villain that you did not have a made hand and that meant he had you beat on the flop.

That's my three cents!
His stack size was only 200-250 lesser then mine around 2900-3100. I shoved there because i was blocking straight with kings in my hand + on nut flush draw + backdoor A high flush draw in case turn comes a diamond & was assuming that he has max 2 pairs + straight draw or may be Q or J high flush draws. So i thought if i shove all in may be he folds or may be we can run it twice but neither happened :(


Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2022
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I'm no PLO5 expert, but expect on the flop you are behind Buttons betting range for value so if you shove you will only get called when behind, so probably better to call and see the turn.


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 12, 2024
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PLO5 and PLO in general the idea is to keep to pot as small as possible till the river. Never call with 2 pairs or a set to a pot sized bet on the river if there’s a flush or straight out there. Only play the nuts.
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