Rock Star
Silver Level
I was in the poker stars 10K yesterday, and with multiple re-buys (3$) the final pot reached 29,000$ The money started at position 396 (24$). It was down to 340 players and I was in 33rd position. At the time I had 4 tournaments going ( most were scheduled ahead, the 10k was a whim entry). I at least had the forsight to withdraw from the CC Sunday game, as I thought it would just be too much. I'm bopping back and forth to all of the games when I get dealt A Js in the 10k. My entire table is somewhat loose for being that late into the game except me and one other player who are playing tight aggressive. I raise 4x the BB on my bet and this other player calls. Flop comes 10-10-A. I have a showdown on 2 of the other tables. Bop into stars real quick and make an overly aggressive bet on the 2 pair. Check the other games (won both) and when I get back to stars and see the button for calling the raise i hit it by instinct I guess because now I'm all in against......A 10. I get a jack and a rag on the rest and my 3 hrs of really good card play is done. Knowing this other players betting, I fold this hand because I know he's on a 10. But not paying close enough attention to that game in particular cost me. Not sure how I would have fared, but obviously higher than 338th.