I Need tips playing aggressive



Silver Level
Mar 7, 2007
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How can I play more aggressive anyone with helpful thoughts?I'm getting to final tables I'm just getting out played once I'm there I've tried sitting back but I just get blinded out any body want to give up some thoughts on this :)


Silver Level
Oct 25, 2007
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Using freerolls is good but the trouble is aggressive play is not always rewarded in freerolls unless you're at an especially tight table as everyone plays so loosely that picking up a lot of small pots is hard to do.

If you want to be successful at playing aggressively, a great way to start is by playing very few pots like you are now so that you project the image of a very tight player and then exploit this image by betting and letting people fold to you as they assume you have the nuts or close to them.

Aggression is all about picking your spots and stealing small pots and dead money. You want to keep your opponents guessing if you have a hand or are just making a play - this means that they won't want to get involved with you as they know you're going to make it expensive for them to stay in the hand on the later streets.

If you're wanting to get the hang of aggression a good way to start is with semi-bluffing. This means betting big with flush and some straight draws so that you can see how people react to your aggression - and if you do get called you still have some outs you can hit.

I hope some of this helps!



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 24, 2007
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remember this

Remember there is a diffrence between reckless aggression and controlled aggression.

people will pick up reckless aggression.

Here lemme help you, you said your having difficulty being aggressive. that means your scared. Next time go with your GUT feelings. When you say to yourself I should probably raise or bet here and your gut is telling you too do so. Do it! don't be afraid. It aint money its chips. Its War. Its a battle royal take offense and just go for it. If you lose so what reload and try again some other time. Being aggressive cannot be thought, either you have it or you don't.


Silver Level
Feb 5, 2005
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Here lemme help you, you said your having difficulty being aggressive. that means your scared. Next time go with your GUT feelings. When you say to yourself I should probably raise or bet here and your gut is telling you too do so. Do it! don't be afraid. It aint money its chips. Its War. Its a battle royal take offense and just go for it. If you lose so what reload and try again some other time. Being aggressive cannot be thought, either you have it or you don't.

Eh? Gut feeling. Really?
Anyway, if you're having trouble playing early or mid position aggressively, play your position aggressively. You should also know how your opponents are playing and be able to put them on a range of hand they are calling or raising with.

Say your in on the button with J9s and you have the blinds behind you. You know know the SB will fold to a raise, but the BB will call you with any A or raise with a pair. SB folds and BB calls. The flop is 5, Q, 7 and the BB checks. Here is a perfect opportunity to C-bet because a) your opponent shows weakness by checking and b) there is a good chance your opponent missed. While you can be aggressive on the button with ATC, I prefer raising with hands that have potential. Hands like J9, 10Q, 56, etc. Hands like 29o dont have a lot potential.

As a general rule I like to follow, if the flop is rags and I know my opponent will only call a raise with big cards, then I can c-bet with any two cards and be confident my opponent will fold. Also, if you're called you'll need to know when to slow it down and when you can keep on applying the pressure. If there is a flush draw showing and you know your opponent will chase with any 2 suited cards, then you can keep on applying the pressure. On the same note, if you know your opponent doesn't chase without proper odds but calls your bet, then you might want to reevaluate your opponents hand. They might have an over pair, 2 pair, or a set. Its good to know when you can keep applying pressure, but you also need to know when you should slow it down.

Also, its somewhat easier to play aggressively against short stacks. If they are tightening up and just waiting for the big hand to go all in, you can keep raising them. If you run into any action, fold your hand or call if you have a good hand yourself. At the same time if you're the short stack and you're being hounded on, you'll have to know when turn the aggression back on the aggressor. If your opponent is raising every hand, then you know his hand range is pretty wide. Any A or K hand, high suited connectors, QJ, KJ, hands etc will be good enough to put the pressure back on your opponent. Sometimes, you'll get unlucky and run into a big hand, though. This also works when you're a blind and the button likes to play his position aggressively.

If im in mid position and im first to open, I'll raise with any 2 potential hands. You'll know how your opponent behind you play. If they're a loose bunch, I probably would just fold. But if they're tight, this is a good play. Again, if you are called, be able to put your opponent on a range of hands.

Also, if you flop a big hand...say you raise with 44 and you flop a set, play it aggressively.
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Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
May 13, 2006
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Here are 2 things that have helped me.

(1) Play a bunch of single table SNG's. It gives you practice at playing short handed. Once it's down to 3 or 4 people you will get experience as to how much to open up your starting hand selection.

(2) Play some $1, 45 person SNG's with your cards covered up. This will help you to learn the value of position.


Rising Star
Bronze Level
Oct 27, 2007
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the way to play aggressively is to understand and watch your opponents. See how they bet and whether or not they are landing good cards or what not. You have to figure out in a general way what kind of cards there holding as you advance further and further in a hand. And of course the best place to practice that is in the money freerolls. Don't waste your money practicing a new strategy.


Silver Level
Mar 7, 2007
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Thanks everybody for the thoughts I ended up going on bodog and played some sng's lol I WON.Theres truth to what all you guys said. and yep you just got to let the balls hang low once in a while (excuse the pun lol) I was trying to control it but yep its about paying attention an picking your spots bout the only thing I missed was position I'll have to try that covering up my cards an play just position I think I'll finally be good at this game in about 20- 30 years AGAIN THANKS!!!!
Poker Tips