Rock Star
Silver Level
I play a lot of live 2€/4€ poker in my local casino. There is no standard raise size; the most common one is probably 14 (so 3.5 BB), but it's normal to see 12, 16, 20, sometimes 10 or 22.
Assuming someone makes it 20 (and that this doesn't tell you anything about their range), what should your ranges from the blinds look like? I think it's known that flatting from the SB is mostly a losing play, but with only a 20% discount, does this now also apply to the BB? Should you play 3bet/fold from both blinds? It feels very awkward to do either of that with a hand like T9s. I've noticed that even the winning players in the casino flat such hands from the BB (and often the SB as well).
I've started folding a lot more hands on the blinds recently, including suited connectors, and it feels like it's better. I'm sort of feeling like, if the bets are that large, then blinds are kinda irrelevant and then why would I play OOP if it has negligible benefit. But ultimately idk.
Assuming someone makes it 20 (and that this doesn't tell you anything about their range), what should your ranges from the blinds look like? I think it's known that flatting from the SB is mostly a losing play, but with only a 20% discount, does this now also apply to the BB? Should you play 3bet/fold from both blinds? It feels very awkward to do either of that with a hand like T9s. I've noticed that even the winning players in the casino flat such hands from the BB (and often the SB as well).
I've started folding a lot more hands on the blinds recently, including suited connectors, and it feels like it's better. I'm sort of feeling like, if the bets are that large, then blinds are kinda irrelevant and then why would I play OOP if it has negligible benefit. But ultimately idk.