Rock Star
Silver Level
How do you play these in ring games? This is the one thing in my game that costs me alot of money and I must improve on . I had developed this strategy where I would reraise the preflop raiser and then decide what to do depending on his move. Say I raise in mid position with QQ and I get reraised from late position , I would then reraise him and if he puts me all in then I had to put him on KK or AA and fold. This way seems to save more money then to just call his raise and see a flop because if its all rags then you might have to call at least 2 bets or bet at him when you are up against a higher pair. This doesnt work all the time because sometimes he will not put you all in and rather just call your reraise then you are not sure where you stand. I was just in a hand where I had QQ when I reraised him and he called only and the flop were all rags . I checked the flop and so did he which made me suspicious . I checked the turn and this time he puts me all in , I assumed it was the usual bad play of online pocker and put him on AK but he shows KK and takes my money. I thought maybe I should ve just called his preflop raised and kept the pot small and played it more cautious. This is such a hard thing because of the online poker where alot of donkeys reraise with AK , 10,10 and even worst cards. For you to make a fold like this you would have to know what kind of player he is and online that's not an easy thing to do. How do you guys handle big pocket pairs preflop and postflop?