Whenever i play micro cash games get the feeling that my continuation bets more often get called then when i play micro tournaments or sit and goes.
What do u guys think about this? And what could be the reasons for this?
The answer is absolutely simple.
In tournaments you play with a single stack without the possibility of replenishing your stack (Unless it is a rebuy tournament and the hand in which you go all in is at the beginning of the mtt)
On the other hand, in cash a continuation bet can be paid normally, because possibly your opponent has a very good or not so good
odds possibility, but it still doesn't pay.
For example, calling a closed straight or an overcard, etc., are very common hands in cash, especially from the flop to the turn.
Already on the river the situation changes because if you realize that the opponent is paying you to specify in general if you have the nuts up to that point it is convenient to go directly there and if he wants to see his card on the river at least he pays a considerable amount . Put this in your head, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE A FREE MENU ON THE STREETS