Dorkus Malorkus
Silver Level
Welcome to the Cash Games forum!
A brief summary of what should and shouldn't be posted here, so that we can hopefully keep having to move threads around to a minimum.
What should be posted here:
Any questions regarding specific strategies or strategic concepts relating to cash games. This could include, but is not limited to:
A brief summary of what should and shouldn't be posted here, so that we can hopefully keep having to move threads around to a minimum.
What should be posted here:
Any questions regarding specific strategies or strategic concepts relating to cash games. This could include, but is not limited to:
- Psychological questions and advice (i.e. topics regarding tilt, ego, etc.)
- Meta-game concepts and theories
- Position play
- Table selection
- Bankroll Management
- Live cash game session strategy discussion (either private home games or in casinos)
- Anything that is prohibited by the rules
- Hand analysis. Use the Cash Game Hand Analysis sub-forum for any particular hands you would like analyzed, and be sure to read the sticky threads there first for more advice.
- Bad beats or personal challenge threads (those belong in Brags, Beats and Challenges)
- Threads and posts in poor English. It is imperative that posts in this forum be in good English and are easy to read and understand. Posts in poor English will be deleted.
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