Advanced beginner
Silver Level
Do you guys put much thought into managing fish?
I met my first clear cut fish last night at a .02/.05 table. He played almost every hand, called almost all preflop raises, bet out of position, called almost everything in position, reraised on the river with second high pair, etc. And rebought for the table maximum after going broke once (at least once that I saw).
I made him broke a second time w/ATs, that flopped an ace, another ace on the turn, 10 on the river.
Later I had second thoughts about my river play though, as I pushed at that time. The whole hand I was trying to draw him down without scaring him off, but maybe I should have minibet the river, thereby allowing him to reraise me so he'd feel better and rebuy again. As it was, he left after that hand.
What is the psychology of this type of fish? How do you encourage them to stay around? I guess you could say things like "I got lucky" when you beat him, or "nh" when he does win a hand.
I met my first clear cut fish last night at a .02/.05 table. He played almost every hand, called almost all preflop raises, bet out of position, called almost everything in position, reraised on the river with second high pair, etc. And rebought for the table maximum after going broke once (at least once that I saw).
I made him broke a second time w/ATs, that flopped an ace, another ace on the turn, 10 on the river.
Later I had second thoughts about my river play though, as I pushed at that time. The whole hand I was trying to draw him down without scaring him off, but maybe I should have minibet the river, thereby allowing him to reraise me so he'd feel better and rebuy again. As it was, he left after that hand.
What is the psychology of this type of fish? How do you encourage them to stay around? I guess you could say things like "I got lucky" when you beat him, or "nh" when he does win a hand.