Alon Ipser
Cardschat Elite
Silver Level
The following is just a hypothetical hand just to get an idea on whether a bluff would be a good play under the circumstances. I am playing at a $1/$2, 10 chair, NL table. It doesn't matter what I have because I am not going to even get close to hitting it with the flop. I am UTG and raise to $5 which is pretty typical for the way I have been playing since I sat down. UTG+1 calls and the button calls. Everyone else folds. The flop comes with junk, lets say 2c,5d,10s. UTG+1 has been playing pretty tight so I assume the flop doesn't do anything for him. The button has also been tight but I suspect he has been stealing a few from position. Isn't this an ideal place for me to bluff and represent the flop? If so, how much do I bet so my bet doesn't scream bluff?