Silver Level
I was playing a pretty loose ring game, and was in the small blind at the start of this hand.
it's called around to me in the SB and i have 23 spades, so i call the BB, and he checks.
Flop comes AA2
I had been at this table for about 30 minutes, and noticed that people were raising with ax off, so I was 100% sure that there were no aces I had to worry about(and there weren't). The problem was that there were 2 hearts out.
The pot was something like 24 cents, and I pushed all in for about 76 more cents (just took at dollar there to see what I could get it up to, I regularly do that) and it folded around to someone in middle position that called with jack eight hearts.
So I'm not suprised that someone called with that at a micro hand and ended up drawing a heart on me, but my friend told me that at any table that would be a bad play.
My argument was that I knew I had the best hand at the moment, since it was limped around, and that giving anyone with 4 to the flush almost 1:1 pot odds was the right thing to do, but my friend disagreed with me, and I was wanting some other opinions on the matter.
Did I do the right thing? (for tourney play, at least..)
it's called around to me in the SB and i have 23 spades, so i call the BB, and he checks.
Flop comes AA2
I had been at this table for about 30 minutes, and noticed that people were raising with ax off, so I was 100% sure that there were no aces I had to worry about(and there weren't). The problem was that there were 2 hearts out.
The pot was something like 24 cents, and I pushed all in for about 76 more cents (just took at dollar there to see what I could get it up to, I regularly do that) and it folded around to someone in middle position that called with jack eight hearts.
So I'm not suprised that someone called with that at a micro hand and ended up drawing a heart on me, but my friend told me that at any table that would be a bad play.
My argument was that I knew I had the best hand at the moment, since it was limped around, and that giving anyone with 4 to the flush almost 1:1 pot odds was the right thing to do, but my friend disagreed with me, and I was wanting some other opinions on the matter.
Did I do the right thing? (for tourney play, at least..)