Amusing hand last night.



Rock Star
Silver Level
Feb 4, 2006
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I was playing 10NL on pokerstars. It was a nice group of people. I have notes on all of them, they're all green colored, which to me means cool people.

(side story: The last three times I had aces, i went to showdown and won. I'm already on "borrowed odds" the poker gods will come to collect what's theirs, a sacrifice. I know I'm going to lose this but I play it normally as I would anyway)

I'm on the button with Ad As. MP raises 3x, there's two callers, including "the villain". in the CO, Who turns out is a very nice person, this time a lady. I'm nervous, I seriously am. I don't want to give my stack away. I've been at 5NL, but there's no games so I'm playing 10NL and I don't want to give away my hard earned money I've made recently. I'm at about 130 bb effective, she's at like 60 bb.

I bump up to 12x the first two fold, villain calls. I'm nervous. lol

Flop comes Kh 10h Qh , I kid you not. I told you... I bloody told you!!!

She checks to me, I'm like... ok ok... half pot bluff here. She thinks for a second and calls. Pretty quickly.

Pot: 36bb

turn comes 10s

OK, OK... not looking so bad. We can improve.......possibly.

She checks, I check. river comes

She checks. I made a half pot bet.......purely as a bluff at this point. I mean, what do I beat?? She snap jams the rest of her stack. I go in the tank. I obviously know I'm folding but I'm just making sure. I said, this is just disghusting. Shes like you want to fold, I'll show.

Now...its so rare that people do this you almost cant believe them. Especially within a group of professional liars. hahahaha. Shes like you don't want to call.

I folded (of course I did), she turns over
Js 10d (trip 10's)

I said I had AA with no heart. She's like yeah I figured.

I found this hand amusing. perhaps you will too. maybe you had to be there, I dont know. lol


Dark Lord of the Sith
Bronze Level
Dec 4, 2017
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Flop comes Kh 10h Qh , I kid you not. I told you... I bloody told you!!!

She checks to me, I'm like... ok ok... half pot bluff here. She thinks for a second and calls. Pretty quickly.
First, we do not play poker to make friends. We play poker to make money. It doesn't matter if the opponents at the table are "cool" or "not cool", this is not the point. The point is to observe their flaws and how can we exploit it. That being said, this is not a good flop for our aces because we own no combos of hearts.
Now we bet 1/2 pot for bluff but we have a very strong value hand that can improve to a set or a straight. We are turning a value hand into a bluff and usually this is not a good action. Our action most of times here will be to check and maintain the pot small. If we bet 1/2 pot and villain has nothing it will fold and if we bet 1/2 por and villain has at least one hearts it will call. I don't see many losing hands calling here.
turn comes 10s

OK, OK... not looking so bad. We can improve.......possibly.

She checks, I check. river comes
She checks. I made a half pot bet.......purely as a bluff at this point. I mean, what do I beat?? She snap jams the rest of her stack. I go in the tank. I obviously know I'm folding but I'm just making sure. I said, this is just disghusting. Shes like you want to fold, I'll show.

Now...its so rare that people do this you almost cant believe them. Especially within a group of professional liars. hahahaha. Shes like you don't want to call.

I folded (of course I did), she turns over
Js 10d (trip 10's)
Again we should check back to realize our equity. And when she jams her little stack why are we folding? Why did we bet 1/2 pot on the flop and 1/2 pot on the river, weren't we trying to build the pot, because we bet believing that we had the best hand or we bet just because we had aces, and when we have aces we bet no matter the board texture? Before answering, reflect and think about it, seriously.
According to this river it looks like you are playing poker for fun. There's no problem to play poker for fun, I just believe that when we are serious on business we shouldn't even be posting hands to analyze.
The objective of hand analysis and study is for those who don't play poker for fun, they take the job of playing it seriously and they don't mind if the people at the table are "cool" or to make jokes while playing and even showing the hand after close action.


Platinum Level
Oct 26, 2022
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Your raises sizes then the resultant pot dont really make sense. If you raised to 12bb wouldn't the pot be 30bb or so, then after the flop with a half pot bet and call be 60bb. This stuff makes a difference especially when she only has a 60bb stack.

I think it's better to check flop and then bluff catch or bet small (20%ish). However as played I think your river bet is ok, but for value rather than a bluff - you beat KJ, QJ, AK, AQ lots of pairs with one heart etc and many villains would bet river with a strong hand. However once you get raised it is obviously a snap fold.


Jun 3, 2019
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3-bet is a bit small, when there are two field callers. I would typically go 3x + the calls, which in this case would be 3 x 3 + 2 x 3 = 15BB.

Why are you betting here? You say, that its a bluff, but any better hand is at least two pair, and is that ever folding? You have an in between hand, that wants to pot control, so the best play is to check back and see, what comes on the turn. Any non-heart turn increases your equity against her range. So by checking here you are waiting for the equity to reveal itself a bit more clearly, and you also get to see, what she do on the turn.

As played a clear check back.

If you bet here, its a value bet, since you might get a crying call from hands like KQ or KJ. You talk about bluffing, but any better hand is at least trips, and is that ever folding? As you found out, the answer to that is "no", since you even got raised by trips. Personally I check back here and take my showdown. Its still a very ugly board for AA, so for me its enough to make one bet go in, especially when its a 3-bet pot.

The main lesson from this hand is the importance of understanding, why you bet. And if a bet serves no purpose, then check. It sounds like, you are betting, because you have AA and hate the board, but thats not a valid reason to bet.
Rob Hobson

Rob Hobson

Feb 2, 2012
Total posts
I was playing 10NL on pokerstars. It was a nice group of people. I have notes on all of them, they're all green colored, which to me means cool people.

(side story: The last three times I had aces, i went to showdown and won. I'm already on "borrowed odds" the poker gods will come to collect what's theirs, a sacrifice. I know I'm going to lose this but I play it normally as I would anyway)

I'm on the button with Ad As. MP raises 3x, there's two callers, including "the villain". in the CO, Who turns out is a very nice person, this time a lady. I'm nervous, I seriously am. I don't want to give my stack away. I've been at 5NL, but there's no games so I'm playing 10NL and I don't want to give away my hard earned money I've made recently. I'm at about 130 bb effective, she's at like 60 bb.

I bump up to 12x the first two fold, villain calls. I'm nervous. lol

Flop comes Kh 10h Qh , I kid you not. I told you... I bloody told you!!!

She checks to me, I'm like... ok ok... half pot bluff here. She thinks for a second and calls. Pretty quickly.

Pot: 36bb

turn comes 10s

OK, OK... not looking so bad. We can improve.......possibly.

She checks, I check. river comes

She checks. I made a half pot bet.......purely as a bluff at this point. I mean, what do I beat?? She snap jams the rest of her stack. I go in the tank. I obviously know I'm folding but I'm just making sure. I said, this is just disghusting. Shes like you want to fold, I'll show.

Now...its so rare that people do this you almost cant believe them. Especially within a group of professional liars. hahahaha. Shes like you don't want to call.

I folded (of course I did), she turns over
Js 10d (trip 10's)

I said I had AA with no heart. She's like yeah I figured.

I found this hand amusing. perhaps you will too. maybe you had to be there, I dont know. lol
Very nice!


Bronze Level
Aug 4, 2022
Total posts
I was playing 10NL on pokerstars. It was a nice group of people. I have notes on all of them, they're all green colored, which to me means cool people.

(side story: The last three times I had aces, i went to showdown and won. I'm already on "borrowed odds" the poker gods will come to collect what's theirs, a sacrifice. I know I'm going to lose this but I play it normally as I would anyway)

I'm on the button with Ad As. MP raises 3x, there's two callers, including "the villain". in the CO, Who turns out is a very nice person, this time a lady. I'm nervous, I seriously am. I don't want to give my stack away. I've been at 5NL, but there's no games so I'm playing 10NL and I don't want to give away my hard earned money I've made recently. I'm at about 130 bb effective, she's at like 60 bb.

I bump up to 12x the first two fold, villain calls. I'm nervous. lol

Flop comes Kh 10h Qh , I kid you not. I told you... I bloody told you!!!

She checks to me, I'm like... ok ok... half pot bluff here. She thinks for a second and calls. Pretty quickly.

Pot: 36bb

turn comes 10s

OK, OK... not looking so bad. We can improve.......possibly.

She checks, I check. river comes

She checks. I made a half pot bet.......purely as a bluff at this point. I mean, what do I beat?? She snap jams the rest of her stack. I go in the tank. I obviously know I'm folding but I'm just making sure. I said, this is just disghusting. Shes like you want to fold, I'll show.

Now...its so rare that people do this you almost cant believe them. Especially within a group of professional liars. hahahaha. Shes like you don't want to call.

I folded (of course I did), she turns over
Js 10d (trip 10's)

I said I had AA with no heart. She's like yeah I figured.

I found this hand amusing. perhaps you will too. maybe you had to be there, I dont know. lol
Well, I'll tell you how I would have played the hand.

I think your Squiz is fine at 12 bb preflop even though I would have done it at 15 bb (usually the Squiz is made x 5 to the initial bet of 3 bb)

Then, being in position against a highly connected flop both by flush and by straights, I would have checked or at most I would have made a 25% bet and see what my rivals did. What's more, I would do it with the Ace in my heart, otherwise I wouldn't just check.

Turn clear check villain and your check.

And on the river, why bet half a pot???

You could only get value on a KJ or AK or 99 JJ 88, any hand with a 10 would beat you, KQ would beat you, AJ or J9 would beat you and any flush hand that let you bluff would beat you.

In fact, you almost ended up playing like a recreational hahahaha

But hey, the important thing brother is that you comment on the hand so you can learn from the mistake and not continue making it.

Because as a friend says here in the comments, this is a business and we are not here to make friends at a table. There they are all opponents and we confront them. Making friends usually means losing money.



Silver Level
Apr 6, 2024
Total posts
Hey, I hope your poker journey is going well. I have a few things to note here first.

Why do you have people tagged as cool players? Are you here to make friends or make money? The colors are for player types, calling stations, fish, etc., so it lets you know what kind of player you are dealing with and how to play. That wouldn't tell you very much.

Also, another thing is that if you're scared to lose 1bb, it means you're playing at a stake you're not bankrolled for, and you will play as such, "scared," which means you will not make the correct plays because you're scared you will lose it. I would suggest you play at 5nl or 2nl if 5s aren't open until you have like 200 dollars or "20bb" and take a shot.

Sorry in advance if it seems I am having a dig, just trying to help now to the hand.


U have AA with 2 calls dream spot your raise size can be larger for value and also because theres 2 calls really u want this to go heads up 14bb or 15 is soild


Betting on this type of board is a death sentence. u have to rembmer this hits her calling range mega hard u dont get to bet wildly here blunder here check almost 100 percent of the time


This is fine as is.


Dont change much, and once we get here, I check it down. Betting here is SUPPPPPER THIN; you will not get value from worst your only gona get hands; your dead to calling or raising you, and I dont understand the half pot bet. There are other sizes you can use; you could bet really small here like 8bb if you want to bet, so when you get jammed on, you can just fold; however, I dont think it beats Check for EV.
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