Silver Level
This one is a shortstacked idea. Your playing a sit and go or MTT tourney, and you find yourself shortstacked (not your fault mind, bloody gut-shots). You know you need to make a move soon, and double up. You figure you need to go all-in soon.
I think this is bad thinking. So say you have 6BB left, you have the button and you pick up Ax. All-in "can" be a bad play here. Low level players love calling all-in's for some reason. Why not raise 3xBB here and push on the flop. Regardless of what it is.
1) If you opponent is prepared to call a 3xBB raise, he will call your all-in.
2) Your bet screams out CALL ME ! Scary prospect when you see a short stack raising like this.
3) You give your-self 2 chances of taking down the pot. You opponent will call your all-in with his pocket 8's pre-flop. But that queen on the flop may just be enough of a card to scare him. They may even fold bottom/middle pair.
This works much better against a tight player mind. Now this is just something to remember the next time you want to make a move. Mix it up folks.
I think this is bad thinking. So say you have 6BB left, you have the button and you pick up Ax. All-in "can" be a bad play here. Low level players love calling all-in's for some reason. Why not raise 3xBB here and push on the flop. Regardless of what it is.
1) If you opponent is prepared to call a 3xBB raise, he will call your all-in.
2) Your bet screams out CALL ME ! Scary prospect when you see a short stack raising like this.
3) You give your-self 2 chances of taking down the pot. You opponent will call your all-in with his pocket 8's pre-flop. But that queen on the flop may just be enough of a card to scare him. They may even fold bottom/middle pair.
This works much better against a tight player mind. Now this is just something to remember the next time you want to make a move. Mix it up folks.