Dennis C
Silver Level
My buddie Crock65 asked me a few days ago if I would fold pocket aces being the low stack and folowing 2 re-raises. I told him hell no. Then he asked one that brought up an interesting point. Put this in your pipe and tell me what it tastes like:
You have pocket aces pre-flop, your on the button. 1st position raises the blind x2, 4th pos. raises 2x that. Next player goes all-in. You are the small stack, you know you have the best starting hand, then you relize you are on the bubble and if you go out this hand you get shit. Do you call or do you fold and make the money? To fold pocket aces is a sin acording to (The Poker Bible), but we've all seen AA go down hard and win like the champs that they are. What would you do?
You have pocket aces pre-flop, your on the button. 1st position raises the blind x2, 4th pos. raises 2x that. Next player goes all-in. You are the small stack, you know you have the best starting hand, then you relize you are on the bubble and if you go out this hand you get shit. Do you call or do you fold and make the money? To fold pocket aces is a sin acording to (The Poker Bible), but we've all seen AA go down hard and win like the champs that they are. What would you do?