lets go point by point again:
1) its a minREraise. Pleas note that, as thats probably why you have his hand ranges off.
Again, we're playing
online poker at a relatively low price. The range is still huge, anything from a decent Ax to JT. High PP possible, but see 3a for why I don't think that's likely. And it's only technically a re-raise. The blinds technically count as a bet, but really our hero put in the first real bet, so I consider the PF re-raise the same as a raise at any other point.
2a) No, it applies perfectly here. theres no FD on teh flop and no OESD. You can get much more WAWB than that!
2b) Just b/c we're ahead, doesn't make raising best. This should be pretty obvious why.
I agree, IF we were signifcantly ahead. With just TPTK (and not a high pair, at that), I think its better to raise - if they don't have a better hand, they should either fold or call with bad
pot odds, mking you a winner over time. If they have you beat, any re-raise here from your opponent is great information, and I can fold because I'm fairly certain I was beat. And I think we're talking about differnet concepts of WAWB - the way I understand it, it's essentially just increasing your EV when you either know that you have to draw to win, or that your opponent is doing so. flush and open-ended are NOT the only things to draw for - in this example, AK, KQ and AQ are all drawing hands looking to hit.
3a) why would JJ+/77/99 not minREraise preflop? Thats the exactly the sort of hands I expect to see do so. What range do YOU think he 3minbets with preflop?
3b) I get that you don't quite understand the concept of ranges fully, so lets try this. If we KNOW he has AK and just AK, whats best, calling or raising and why?
Why minraise? I said it before, they get called because they didn't price out two-face hands, and the odds are that A/K/Q will hit the flop, so they're more often than not behind on the flop. It's always possible for them to minraise, of course, but its a negative EV for them to do so. They might as well cold-call and play the Implied Odds if they get lucky.
What do I think he's got? given his maniac PT stats, I'm guessing he's got a "never call - raise or fold" rule, and is holding two okay cards - KT, QT, JT, KJ, QJ, etc. A arge PP might minreraise, but I still think a good player would at least make it 3x the previous bet.
Can you give me the logic why a PP would minraise (or minreraise, for that matter?)
finally, IF I could honestly put him on AK, I call the flop (solely because I know his odds of drawing are bad) and possibly the turn (depending on how much he bets, if at all) and raise him off the turn or river if he doesn't hit.