Pot Odds Mistake?



Rising Star
Bronze Level
Jun 13, 2018
Total posts
Really kinda rethinking this. I felt I had good equity and called... perhaps I shouldn't have? Any constructive criticism for this hand?

GAME #3000000005: Texas Hold'em NL $0.02/$0.05 2018-06-13 23:16:46/GMT
Table Table000000001
Seat 1: P1-616517GN ($5.00 in chips)
Seat 3: P2-136002VB ($2.04 in chips) DEALER
Seat 5: Hero ($4.85 in chips)
Seat 8: P5-446881BK ($5.10 in chips)
Seat 10: P6-362688IA ($1.25 in chips)
Hero: Post SB $0.02
P5-446881BK: Post BB $0.05
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Hero [C7 D7]
P6-362688IA: Call $0.05
P1-616517GN: Fold
P2-136002VB: Fold
Hero: Raise (NF) $0.10
P5-446881BK: Raise (NF) $0.50
P6-362688IA: Fold
Hero: Call $0.40
*** FLOP *** [C6 H8 DK]
Hero: Bet $0.10
P5-446881BK: Raise (NF) $1.35
Hero: Call $1.25
*** TURN *** [C9]
Hero: Bet $1.87
P5-446881BK: Allin $3.25
Hero: Allin $1.13
*** RIVER *** [H9]
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $9.52 Rake $0.48
Hero: Mucks [C7 D7] Two Pair, Nines and Sevens
P5-446881BK: Shows [CA DA] Two Pair, Aces and Nines
P1-616517GN: wins $0.00
P2-136002VB: wins $0.00
Hero: wins $0.00
P5-446881BK: wins $9.52
P6-362688IA: wins $0.00


Rock Star
Silver Level
May 5, 2018
Total posts
You are playing WAY too aggressive with a small pocket pair. You should NOT be raising pre-flop at those stakes with a small pocket pair(At higher stakes you can simply to balance your range). Second off, you should not be betting $0.10 into a pot of $1, no one will ever fold you can only lose money. Check the flop, and once he 2bet you with a pot sized bet you should be throwing your hand away, you already know you are beat. Turn/River should be check/fold. A king is a BIG part of your villains range and you also lose to an 8, 9, or higher pocket pair. Their are no draws in your villains range so their is no need in you being aggressive.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Apr 21, 2018
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i was going to say initially too passive...the 10cent race should have been 50 and it might have done something, but id abandon after seeing so many overs.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Jun 9, 2016
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Don’t mind the raise - with only one limper I think a bigger raise takes the pot for you often (just bumping to 2 BBs won’t).

Once he re-raised you, fold. You are beat A TON of the time.

After the flop, the raise isn’t a bad idea to show strength in case he was bluffing, but again, you were probably already beat. Then when he re-raises, it’s (again) definitely time to fold.

Rinse and repeat on the river.

So yeah, you vastly overestimated your equity. You can fold those middle pairs almost any time someone reraises you and DEFINITELY if you get reraised on the flop with two overcards and you missed your set.


Silver Level
Feb 2, 2018
Total posts
You totally ignored the strength of the re-raiser on every street against your mid low pair when you first rose preflop.
Once the flop was drawn and your weak low mid pair did not improve to a set was the time to slow down, but instead you choose raise a min raise and then call a very large re-raise. At that point you were TOLD that your hand was no good, but you ignored every single clue.
It was not clear why you would be so Gorilla Aggressive against a player who was telling you they had a Real Strong hand.


Silver Level
Oct 9, 2006
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Preflop you call the big bet with 40 into a pot of 72 (before). Less than 2-1

With implied odds I'm not totally adverse to that pf call, and 3 cards to come. But I am now leary, because of that big RR.

Then the flop comes with 2 overs:(. You put up a meagre blocking bet. Yeah, it's amazing how often those work, but in this case, villain shows he don't care at all what you are pretending to represent. He at least represents TPGK. Your call shows me you 'wish' to much. The rest of the hand is showing you that you 'wish' to much.

Do yourself a favor, drop to 6 max, where your line will work a little more often. But stop spewing on a flop with 2 overs with only 2 (x2) outs.

Learn to love to fold, before you learn to love to 3 bet!

You can make a flimsy argument to see the flop at a high cost here, but with the action involved, you have to give it up.


Silver Level
Jun 4, 2018
Total posts
Id be making it 4x pre vs one limper so .20 and the flop is a check fold don't donk bet that flop imo.The turn is just really spewy.


Silver Level
Mar 22, 2018
Total posts
1. Don't min raise preflop , either go bigger or flat as Seat 10 going to call/re-raise 100% if BB call.

2. Flop: No point donk bet here and way too small which means effectively a check

3. OOP you have to give up this hand when villian raise your flop bet unless you are facing a maniac then your hand might still be ok.

4: As played I don't like float turn bet as your hand has improved but still weak equity. Even if you have 89s, you can just wait till last aggressor to bet and raise/call all-in.


Rock Star
Silver Level
Nov 12, 2014
Total posts
Set mining is usually a pretty good path to taking down that really big pot here and there. An inherent bonus of mining with baby pairs and middle pairs (22 - 88) is that you are almost never forced into tough decisions. The odds are there or they're not, you either got there or you didn't. When we miss the flop, it's over. We should rarely be calling any bet/raise when we miss and that's even more true when the flop has multiple over cards.

As for the pot odds / implied odds part, depends on stack sizes, but also stuff like number of players, position, and opponent. Odds of flopping a set is about 7 to 1. Hard to get 7 to 1 straight pot odds so we consider the likely future bets (flop/turn/river) we can get when we do spike a set. It's a bit of personal preference, but most players like to have between 10 to 1 and 15 to 1 implied odds to comfortably set mine. Against a loose/fish, 10 to 1 would be ok because he is more likely to pay you off those times you hit. Against a tight player 15 to 1 is better. Also, when you are out of position, you should look for the higher implied odds. **This also assumes that we do not continue calling bets when we miss**

We were the shorter stack in this hand with almost 100bb, so calling the 10bb preflop was just a hair under 10 to 1. We are out of position too so this spot is kind of borderline, but either decision is ok.....(Here is the personal preference bit). Personally, I would limp or fold. Minraises are kind of ignored. Limp hands will still call and good hands will still raise. Perhaps villain only raises to 6bb if we limp which seriously improves our implied odds. (from 10 to 1 up to about 17 to 1)
The real mistake in this one was post flop. Again, the min bet is seen as a check, so just save the money and check. Once we miss the flop here we should be finished with the hand. Now we are OOP and there are 2 overs on the flop. The only way we ever put a single BB into the pot is when both players check the flop and a 7 hits the turn haha.

PS...When a villain min bets me, I usually drop the hammer. He doesn't believe in his hand...….why should I? Good Luck
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