Rising Star
Bronze Level
Playing .25-.50 nl 10 max. no image, just sat with full amount. post kj off. there is a raise to 2$ after i checked and 4 calls. I called. flopped the nuts. AQT rainbow. I figure someone has flopped a great hand so I bet out $3 figuring to get raised, pot was like 11. original pf raiser (34$) makes it $8, folds to me. I figure he is going to bet my check next round when I plan to go allin, so I flat called. Turn came a T which paired the board, GRR. At this point im thinking probably call him down, I checked, he checked. hmmmm. im thinking he has ak or a boat right now. river is a blank. I was fairly sure that check meant boat more than ak so I figured check call. I checked, he bet 8, significantly under the pot size and I called. He showed QQ for Q's full. How did I play that hand?